microsoftgraph / microsoft-graph-toolkit

Authentication Providers and UI components for Microsoft Graph 🦒
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File List should allow navigating a file structure natively #1453

Open sebastienlevert opened 2 years ago

sebastienlevert commented 2 years ago

Proposal: File List should allow navigating a file structure natively


Currently, the mgt-file-list component doesn't allow native browsing of a folder or a drive. For a user wanting to simply drop a component on a page and navigate the drive structure, it's not possible today without extra code (A sample is available here : Open Folder Breadcrumbs)


Developers want to have fully functional components and this one is a great example of how far we can push the functionality. Not having it creates confusion, frustrates developers and requires them to add capabilities that should be in the native component.

Preferred Solution

Bring the folder navigation by adding a enable-browsing capability where developers could set it to true when they need this kind of capability. We would also be using the Fluent UI breadcrumb capabilities to deliver the navigation between the different folder levels.

Example : Developer provides a search query

<mgt-file-list enable-browsing item-path="/Class%20Documents"></mgt-file-list> <mgt-file-list enable-browsing item-id="01BYE5RZYJ43UXGBP23BBIFPISHHMCDTOY"></mgt-file-list> <mgt-file-list enable-browsing group-id="8090c93e-ba7c-433e-9f39-08c7ba07c0b3" item-id="01AYQNNE76S6ES2SZFKFEKVD77I7JBARMB"></mgt-file-list> <mgt-file-list enable-browsing drive-id="b!-RIj2DuyvEyV1T4NlOaMHk8XkS_I8MdFlUCq1BlcjgmhRfAj3-Z8RY2VpuvV_tpd" item-id="01BYE5RZYJ43UXGBP23BBIFPISHHMCDTOY"></mgt-file-list>

Attributes and Properties

Attribute Property Description
enable-browsing enableBrowsing Should browsing the current structure be available for the component. Default to false. Should only be possible to set it to true when item-path or item-id are set
ghost commented 2 years ago

Hello sebastienlevert, thank you for opening an issue with us!

I have automatically added a "needs triage" label to help get things started. Our team will analyze and investigate the issue, and escalate it to the relevant team if possible. Other community members may also look into the issue and provide feedback 🙌

Paxol commented 7 months ago

Any update on this?

LandonMarshall commented 1 month ago

Are there any updates on this?

sebastienlevert commented 1 month ago

It's something that is still on the backlog, but has not been prioritized yet. We have a working PR that has been in draft. We welcome contributors to take over and bring over the finish line if this is something you're willing to do with us!