microsoftgraph / microsoft-graph-toolkit

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[BUG] people-picker not able to search people within group-ids #3170

Open tgaarde opened 1 month ago

tgaarde commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug When people picker is provided with group-ids, type is "person", user-type is "any", i can not search users from thouse groups.

when a search is performed, the request is missing the query $count="true" and the header "ConsistencyLevel"="eventual".

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: <mgt-people-picker transitive-search="false" group-ids="18c5e772-6757-4d50-883b-bb05fdec8d9d,f9757e6d-92ba-4552-8fc7-5eec386a9a37" type="person" user-type="any" selection-mode="multiple" disabled="false">

then search a user within thouse group ids, will result in a query like this:



they return 400 with message: "The specified filter to the reference property query is currently not supported."

if i then edit the request, and put in my query $count="true" and the header "ConsistencyLevel"="eventual" and resend, i get the result i expect for the resended query.

Expected behavior i expect to see users from the provided group ids, and when i search, i search users within the group ids.

Screenshots Fine when i have no search: image

Error when i search: image image


gavinbarron commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this issue in such a through manner @tgaarde, bug reports like this are gold.

The offending code segment is in the findGroupMembers function in graph.user.ts

Is this a fix that you'd be able to contribute back to MGT?