microsoftgraph / microsoft-graph-toolkit

Authentication Providers and UI components for Microsoft Graph 🦒
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[BUG] Person card - Navigating to another user shows the same files #3232

Open Rafaelki opened 1 week ago

Rafaelki commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug I am using the person card component with "me" as person-query.

ISSUE 1: Inside my card I can see ALL my files. Not sure if this is correct, as the documentation says I should see "Most relevant shared files"


ISSUE 2: If inside of my card, when I click another user under "Direct reports", I see my documents and not the documents of the person printed on the card.

me: image

direct report: image

To Reproduce ISSUE 1 Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the MGT playground
  2. Expand Megan's card
  3. Click on Files
  4. Note that non-shared folders are visible

To Reproduce ISSUE 1 Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the MGT playground
  2. Login with a user that has shared files in OneDrive and has a direct report also with shared files in OneDrive
  3. Expand the card of the user and under Direct reports, navigate to the other user
  4. Note that the files listed in the card other user are the files of the first user

Expected behavior ISSUE 1. As per documentation, only shared files should be listed ISSUE 2. The shared files of the user in the card should be listed, and not the files of the first user.

Environment (please complete the following information):

Mnickii commented 2 days ago

Hi @Rafaelki, thank you for this bug report. This is a clear bug and a fix for this will be available in the next release at the end of this month.