microsoftgraph / msgraph-bicep-types

Repo contains Microsoft Graph resource types to integrate with bicep templates.
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Federated Credentials? #142

Open broll opened 3 weeks ago

broll commented 3 weeks ago

Bicep version Bicep CLI version 0.28.1 (ba1e9f8c1e)

Resource and API version Microsoft.Graph/applications/federatedIdentityCredentials@v1.0

Auth flow Interactive

Describe the bug The documentation for doesn't even pass bicep compilation.

The resource type segment "Microsoft.Graph/applications/federatedIdentityCredentials@v1.0" is invalid. Nested resources must specify a single type segment, and optionally can specify an api version using the format "<type>@<apiVersion>".bicep(BCP156) If you remove the compile error you get deployment error: "Invalid identifier format for applications/federatedIdentityCredentials"

To Reproduce Try to deploy the example from:

dkershaw10 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for bringing this up @broll. It looks like we have a bug in the auto-generation of the reference documentation.

Nested resources should not be fully qualified. You'll also see this if you use intellisense in VS Code, when creating the nested resource. It should read:

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Graph/applications@v1.0' = {
  displayName: 'string'
  uniqueName: 'string'

  resource symbolicname 'federatedIdentityCredentials@v1.0' = {
    audiences: [
    description: 'string'
    issuer: 'string'
    name: 'string'
    subject: 'string'

There's also an issue with extensibility, and how it supports child resources. Please see this known issues section on child resources, which will say that the name property needs to be fully qualified.

If you want to see a full example, please look at create federated credentials for github actions

Hope this helps - but we'll definitely look to fix the doc bug (not sure how we missed it).

broll commented 2 weeks ago

Certainly gets me further using the github example. The problem I'm running into now is that the service principal running the bicep creating the app registration which has (Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy), does not automatically become the owner like it would in az cli commands.

dkershaw10 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting that @broll . It's tracked in #114 and according to that, we should have a fix for that deployed shortly. In the meantime you would need to explicitly set the owner property to the calling service principal's id.

broll commented 2 weeks ago

That issue was for azure groups and my issue is with app registrations, but assuming the same root problem...

It's trying to add the bicep extension as an owner to the app registration? But maybe failing?

With the groups everything gets created and there is a workaround to just explictly add. I'm not having the same luck with app registrations. It fails before it can create the service principal (it successfully creates the app registration)

Everything works fine when I run the code myself... but running under a principal that definitely has privs because it can do it using the az cli I get this generic error:

"When using this permission, the backing application of the service principal being created must in the local tenant Graph client request id"

I thought maybe setting the signInAudience to allow cross tenant might help but it didn't.

dkershaw10 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes - it's the same root problem (in terms of properly setting the owners property, and applies to groups, apps and SPs). If it's on track, the fix should be deployed and available next week.

It seems like you are running into a different issue now, when trying to create an SP from the application? I'm trying to understand where the failure is happening, if the app reg is successful and it fails before creating the service principal...

Can you describe exactly what you are trying to do here, as it looks like you are trying to create apps and SPs in different tenants, maybe?

broll commented 2 weeks ago

Ultimately replace a powershell script using az cli commands with it's bicep equivalent.

Here is a boiled down version showing what is working and what isn't.

      write-host "---------Az AD App Create---------"
      $app = az ad app create --sign-in-audience AzureADMyOrg --only-show-errors --display-name $this.PrincipalName | ConvertFrom-Json
      write-host $App
      write-host "----------------------------------"
      write-host "---------Az SP Create---------"
      $sp = az ad sp list --only-show-errors --display-name $this.PrincipalName | ConvertFrom-Json
      $sp = $sp | where appDisplayName -eq $this.PrincipalName
      if ( $null -eq $sp) {
        Write-host "No SP found, creating SP"
        $sp = az ad sp create --only-show-errors --id $app.AppId | ConvertFrom-Json
      write-host $sp
      write-host "----------------------------------"
          - task: AzureCLI@2
            name: doStuff
              azureSubscription: $(myServiceConnection)
              scriptType: pscore
              scriptLocation: "inlineScript"
              inlineScript: |
                az deployment sub create --template-file $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/provisioning/modules/Microsoft.Graph/principalCreation.bicep --location eastus2 --subscription $(mySub) --debug
targetScope = 'subscription'

provider microsoftGraph

param appRegistrationName string = 'deleteme-bicepBasedDeployOfEntraAppRegistration'

resource appReg 'Microsoft.Graph/applications@v1.0' = {
  displayName: appRegistrationName
  uniqueName: appRegistrationName

resource sp 'Microsoft.Graph/servicePrincipals@v1.0' = {
  appId: appReg.appId

Creating that SP fails with the error: "When using this permission, the backing application of the service principal being created must in the local tenant Graph client request id"

Which is a really generic error that can be given for a variety of reasons from lack of privs to using the wrong appId...

When run from my own interactive credentials the same bicep works fine and sets me as the application owner.

broll commented 2 weeks ago

Any thoughts @dkershaw10 ? Is it just a problem with the identity pass through from running it from Azure Devops? Has most of the existing testing been from Github actions?

dkershaw10 commented 2 weeks ago

@broll - we have no way to investigate further without a corrrelation-id/request-id/client-request-id and a timestamp.

My guess is that this error is all down to the related issue (that the originating client is not added to the application.) The app will get created, but I suspect there's a check that the calling principal has permissions to create a service principal from the referenced application - if the calling principal doesn't have the necessary role, a further check would be if the calling principal is an owner of the referenced application. With the bug, the latter is definitely not true, and is likely the cause of the error.

This error doesn't happen in the interactive case, likely because you are being added as an owner of the application. Even if you do this via Az CLI/PS running as an SP, that should work. The bug is in the flow we have explicitly for Bicep Graph (which uses an application on-behalf-of flow).

broll commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds good thanks for the reply. Below is the requested information.   'x-ms-client-request-id': '2dc133df-2e3f-11ef-831f-c3d80caaf9bf' 'x-ms-correlation-request-id': '5b019b61-ca00-4e44-b0c0-7aa8eae4beb7' 'x-ms-request-id': '5b019b61-ca00-4e44-b0c0-7aa8eae4beb7'

dkershaw10 commented 2 weeks ago

@broll We need the timestamp too please.

broll commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry not sure exactly which timestamp you're looking for. Hopefully it's the one in the routing request id

Here's a larger dump that hopefully has what you need.

'x-ms-client-request-id': '2dc133df-2e3f-11ef-831f-c3d80caaf9bf'

'x-ms-request-id': '9f231ac7-e09a-4ced-92b5-79f0404d44bc'
'x-ms-correlation-request-id': '9f231ac7-e09a-4ced-92b5-79f0404d44bc'
'x-ms-routing-request-id': 'WESTUS:20240619T132409Z:9f231ac7-e09a-4ced-92b5-

Verb: PUT
'x-ms-client-request-id': '2dc133df-2e3f-11ef-831f-c3d80caaf9bf'
'x-ms-request-id': '5b019b61-ca00-4e44-b0c0-7aa8eae4beb7'
'x-ms-correlation-request-id': '5b019b61-ca00-4e44-b0c0-7aa8eae4beb7'
'x-ms-routing-request-id': 'WESTUS:20240619T132413Z:5b019b61-ca00-4e44-b0c0-7aa8eae4beb7'
dkershaw10 commented 2 weeks ago

@broll Those are for ARM APIs (the deployment operation). I need the request IDs and timestamps for the Microsoft Graph resource errors. You should see those Graph errors in the output also and the requestIDs and timestamps should be with the SP creation errors like "When using this permission, the backing application of the service principal being created must in the local tenant Graph client request id"

broll commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry understood now.

When using this permission, the backing application of the service principal being created must in the local tenant Graph client request id: 1c4fcba0-c431-4efd-8661-b4b82a4e2fa9. Graph request timestamp: 2024-06-19T13:24:17Z

dkershaw10 commented 2 weeks ago

NP - I see this in the Graph logs. I'll need to get someone to look at the associated Entra ID logs for the root cause.

dkershaw10 commented 2 weeks ago

@broll Engineering has confirmed that the root cause is the owners bug. All being well the deployment should complete late next week.

eketo-msft commented 3 days ago

Hey @broll, deployment is complete and verified to address the owners issue.

broll commented 10 hours ago

Thanks @eketo-msft

I can confirm creating the service principal works now at least. Using azure devops and a service connection (tied to an app registration service principal) in an azcli task it still doesn't seem to set an owner on it though so steps afterwords are still failing since the calling identity is never made owner.

xqrzd commented 5 hours ago

Same for me. The recent deployment made it so I can create the app registration / service principal, but then all subsequent deployments fail with forbidden since the Azure Devops service connection isn't added as an owner.