Describe the bug
I cannot login due to msgraph-cli requiring PyGObject installed, even after installing PyGObject using the commands given by msgraph-cli.
root@70ad05df15a7:/msgraph-cli# mg login --scopes ""
Token can't be stored securely. Install PyGObject to store token securely.
sudo apt install libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev python3-dev gir1.2-secret-1
pip install pygobject
Login failed
Describe the bug I cannot login due to msgraph-cli requiring PyGObject installed, even after installing PyGObject using the commands given by msgraph-cli.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
git clone
cd msgraph-cli
docker build --target build-env -f ./build_scripts/debian/Dockerfile -t microsoft/msgraph-cli:ubuntu-builder .
(from README)docker run -it --name deb microsoft/msgraph-cli:ubuntu-builder
(from README)mg login --scopes ""
(first try to login)apt install libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev python3-dev gir1.2-secret-1
(first command of note above)pip install pygobject
(second command of note above)mg login --scopes ""
(second try after installing PyGObject)Expected behavior Logging in just works.
Additional context I just followed the instructions in README and the error message above, so I have not any idea how I could solve this problem.