microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-android

Microsoft Graph SDK for Android!
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Error thrown when one drive is not configured #120

Closed josephkniestprometheanworld closed 4 years ago

josephkniestprometheanworld commented 4 years ago

Is there a programmatic means of using the graph sdk to auto set-up one drive for a microsoft account that has not already done so? If one drive is not set up and we attempt to get the DriveItem root, the following function throws an exception:

"" throws Error code: itemNotFound\nError message: Item does not exist\n\nGET https:\/\/\/v1.0\/me\/drive\/root\nSdkVersion : graph-java\/v1.7.1\nAuthorization : Bearer <>+[...]\n\n\n404 : Not Found\n[...]\n\n[Some information was truncated for brevity, enable debug logging for more details]\n\tat

is there any function that can be called given a user email that will automatically set up their one drive config?

josephkniestprometheanworld commented 4 years ago

For reference, the account I am testing with is ""

baywet commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, Thank you for the contribution, we have moved away from an android specific SDK to a Java SDK and this repo will be archived very soon. If you're still facing the same issue with the Java SDK, feel free to re-open an issue over there. Closing.