We need to get AuthProviderOption from the request context and use it's properties in our auth providers.
Microsoft.Graph.Auth will implement the IAuthProviderOption interface defined in Microsoft.Graph.Core and provide the necessary extension methods to set and retrieve it's properties in accordance to the fluent api design.
This will help contain all auth provider related logic in one library and reduce the risk of affecting/making changes the core lib when MSAL upgrades to V3.
At the moment, the AuthProviderOption implementation needs to contain the following properties :
scopes (All providers)
username in a upn format (UsernamePasswordProvider, IntergratedWindowsAuthProvider)
We need to get AuthProviderOption from the request context and use it's properties in our auth providers.
Microsoft.Graph.Auth will implement the IAuthProviderOption interface defined in Microsoft.Graph.Core and provide the necessary extension methods to set and retrieve it's properties in accordance to the fluent api design.
This will help contain all auth provider related logic in one library and reduce the risk of affecting/making changes the core lib when MSAL upgrades to V3.
At the moment, the AuthProviderOption implementation needs to contain the following properties :
This change depends on this PR in our core lib https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-dotnet/pull/367
cc @darrelmiller