microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-go

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Cannot get nil value from BackingStore with delta query when a property value was changed to nil (empty) #725

Open t2y opened 1 month ago

t2y commented 1 month ago

I am trying to implement the delta query to track user changes.

For example, I changed First name and Last name to empty on .

スクリーンショット 2024-06-06 14 21 58

I got the below response. You can see givenName and surname are detected as null values.

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#users",
  "@odata.deltaLink": "$deltatoken=dqOf4D0FeifmTE8LZ08sKG_0pMPP7gZ...",
  "value": [
      "givenName": null,
      "surname": null,
      "id": "a8d67d70-f83b-453d-9666-1f280a609bf6"

But, I cannot know whether the givenName and surname were changed to null since the Enumerate() or EnumerateKeysForValuesChangedToNil() methods don't return the values (nil).

var user models.Userable
b := user.GetBackingStore()
for i, v := range b.EnumerateKeysForValuesChangedToNil() {
    fmt.Printf(" - %v, %+v\n", i, v)
for k, v := range b.Enumerate() {
    fmt.Printf(" - %s, %+v\n", k, v)
- additionalData, map[]
- odataType, 0x140005803b0
- id, 0x14000580320

Another sample code to confirm the user data.

json, _ := serialization.SerializeToJson(user)

Also, the user data doesn't have both givenName and surname properties.


In my debugging, InMemoryBackingStore doesn't handle a nil value in User.GetFieldDeserializers() method.

res["surname"] = func(n i878a80d2330e89d26896388a3f487eef27b0a0e6c010c493bf80be1452208f91.ParseNode) error {
    val, err := n.GetStringValue()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if val != nil {
    return nil
func (m *User) SetSurname(value *string) {
    err := m.GetBackingStore().Set("surname", value)
    if err != nil {

Could you tell me how do I check both givenName and surname properties were changed to nil via msgraph-sdk-go API?
