microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-java

Microsoft Graph SDK for Java
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Drives SDK - Get Items Children Not working #2123

Open kosik opened 4 weeks ago

kosik commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Here is the link to official documentation: driveitem-list-children

Here is the code snippet from there:

// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter); DriveItemCollectionResponse result = graphClient.drives().byDriveId("{drive-id}").items().byDriveItemId("{driveItem-id}").children().get();

The documentation states if pass "root" into byDriveItemId method, the SDK will return the list items of the root directory. In fact this method returns empty collection.

I verified if the API works with plain HTTP invocation through MS Graph Explorer, and there are many items in response. So I have took one of the identifiers from the response manually and put it into byDriveItemId. The API returned The resource could not be found. I anticipated to see the list of files inside the directory of the root drive.

As you see the sample from official Java SDK documentation does not working. I start guessing and attempted other variants to let the SDK works but did not succeed.

Could you please provide a working code snippet allowing to receive a list of files of a given URL in a shared directory or fix the BUG.

Belowe I am attaching my code, configurations and more details: User.Read offline_access Sites.Read.All&

` private String[] scopes = new String[]{"Files.Read.All", "User.Read", "offline_access", "Sites.Read.All"};

public void getData(final String code){
    List<DriveItem> rootItems = getGraphClient(code).drives()

private GraphServiceClient getGraphClient(final String authorizationCode) {
    if(null == authorizationCode)
        throw new DomainException(ErrorCodes.InvalidInput, "msgraph-pkce-code-required");

    GraphServiceClient graphClient = null;
    if (null == graphClient) {
        final AuthorizationCodeCredential credential = new AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder()

        if (null == scopes || null == credential) {
            throw new DomainException(ErrorCodes.InvalidInput, "msgraph-initialization-error-00");

        graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(credential, scopes);
    return graphClient;

Thank you in advance.

Expected behavior

to see the list of files inside the directory of the root drive.

How to reproduce

I have configured the required permissions in Azure portal for my application: Files.Read.All User.Read offline_access Sites.Read.All

After this a put the below URL into browser location string. Which lead to login and passing the token into my application controller. The getData(final String code){ received the code and passed authorization successfully. Nevertheless, the subsequent Children Items list API execution does not working even with the example from official documentation code snippet. User.Read offline_access Sites.Read.All&

SDK Version


Latest version known to work for scenario above?

No response

Known Workarounds

No response

Debug output

No response


No response

Other information

JDK 21

Ndiritu commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @kosik, unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce this behavior. Are you able to double-check that you're using the right drive ID?

kosik commented 4 weeks ago

@Ndiritu thank you for the answer. The driveId is correct for sure, the value in myDriveId variable is my drive identifier.

Ndiritu commented 3 weeks ago

@kosik please clarify what request you tested on Graph Explorer: /drives/{drive-id}/items/root/children? From your description it seems that this is the URL you called & that you used an ID from one of the results as your new "drive ID"?