microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-javascript

Microsoft Graph client library for JavaScript
MIT License
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Graph do not returns first email of the branch #1610

Open gangstabob opened 5 months ago

gangstabob commented 5 months ago

Bug Report


Microsoft Graph API does not return the first user-sent message in a thread initiated by the user.

Console Errors: N/A

Screenshots: N/A

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use the following GET request to retrieve emails: GET$search="( OR AND received>=2023-11-01 AND received<=2023-11-19"&$select=subject,toRecipients,from,ccRecipients
  2. Observe that all emails meeting the condition are returned except for the very first message in a thread initiated by the user.

Expected behavior: The Microsoft Graph API should return all emails meeting the specified condition, including the very first message in a thread initiated by the user.

Actual behavior: The API does not return the first user-sent message in a thread initiated by the user.

Additional Context

A similar issue was discussed in this thread: Link to Discord Thread

Usage Information

Request ID - N/A (No Graph API error response received)

SDK Version - "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client": "^3.0.6",

Node Version - "@types/node": "^20.3.1", "ts-node": "^10.9.1",

  • [ ] Browser (Check, if using Browser version of SDK)

Browser Name - N/A

Version - N/A