microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-php

Microsoft Graph Library for PHP.
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Migrating from 1.96 to 2.4 booking service issue #1504

Closed shirofuji closed 1 month ago

shirofuji commented 2 months ago

Updating from 2.4 I'm trying to get the booking service using the following basic code:

$services = $client->solutions()->bookingBusinesses()->byBookingBusinessId($businessId)->services()->get()->wait();

The request seem to work but the parsing in the model seem to produce an issue:

Uncaught Exception: Unknown or bad format (-PT15M) in C:\xampp74\htdocs\wp\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\CustomPlugin\vendor\microsoft\kiota-serialization-json\src\JsonParseNode.php:285 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp74\htdocs\wp\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\CustomPlugin\vendor\microsoft\kiota-serialization-json\src\JsonParseNode.php(285): DateInterval->__construct('-PT15M') #1 C:\xampp74\htdocs\wp\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\CustomPlugin\vendor\microsoft\microsoft-graph\src\Generated\Models\BookingReminder.php(71): Microsoft\Kiota\Serialization\Json\JsonParseNode->getDateIntervalValue()
SilasKenneth commented 2 months ago

Hi @shirofuji , Thank you for trying the SDK. I am very sorry for the issue you are facing. I am able to reproduce and will be issuing a fix as soon as possible.