microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-powershell

Powershell SDK for Microsoft Graph
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Get-MgBetDeviceAppManagementMobileAppAsAndroidStoreApp - No OData route exists that match template #2565

Closed TaylorN7 closed 5 months ago

TaylorN7 commented 7 months ago

Code I'm running:

$MobileApps = Get-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementMobileAppAsAndroidStoreApp

$MobileApps | ForEach-Object {
    $App = $_
    $AppDisplayName = $App.DisplayName
    if ($App.Assignments -eq "") {
        Write-Host $("$AppDisplayName does not have any assignments.")

    } else {
        Write-Host $("$AppDisplayName Assignments:")


Text of Error:

Get-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementMobileAppAsAndroidStoreApp : No OData route exists that match template 
~/singleton/navigation/cast with http verb GET for request /AppLifecycle_2401/StatelessAppMetadataFEService/deviceA
Status: 400 (BadRequest)
ErrorCode: No method match route template
Date: 2024-02-02T18:42:58
Transfer-Encoding             : chunked
Vary                          : Accept-Encoding
Strict-Transport-Security     : max-age=31536000
request-id                    : bcb30467-676a-4212-8f5b-746a795f7c87
client-request-id             : 0b4dc30b-3f9b-4d6d-a1bc-2711e65330e0
x-ms-ags-diagnostic           : {"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"West 
Date                          : Fri, 02 Feb 2024 18:42:57 GMT
At line:1 char:1
+ $MobileApps = Get-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementMobileAppAsAndroidStoreApp
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: ({ Top = , Skip ...ndProperty =  }:<>f__AnonymousType9`8) [Get-MgB 
   etaDevic...idStoreApp_List], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : No method match route template,Microsoft.Graph.Beta.PowerShell.Cmdlets.GetMgBetaDevi 

I tested in Graph Explorer for and received the same error there as well. I verified the permissions/consent for DeviceManagementApps.Read.All was set.


I attempted to run both the 1.0 and Beta versions of the cmdlet, however the same error appears each time. Here is the info on my PSVersion and Modules.

PS C:\Windows\system32> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value                                                                               
----                           -----                                                                               
PSVersion                      5.1.22621.2506                                                                      
PSEdition                      Desktop                                                                             
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}                                                             
BuildVersion                   10.0.22621.2506                                                                     
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000                                                                     
WSManStackVersion              3.0                                                                                 
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3                                                                                 

PS C:\Windows\system32> get-installedmodule

Version    Name                                Repository           Description                                    
-------    ----                                ----------           -----------                             AzureADPreview                      PSGallery            Azure Active Directory V2 Preview Module. ...  
3.4.0      ExchangeOnlineManagement            PSGallery            This is a General Availability (GA) release ...
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph                     PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell module              
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Applications        PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Authentication      PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Authentication Mo...
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta                PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell module              
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications   PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Bookings       PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Calendar       PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.ChangeNotif... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.CloudCommun... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Compliance     PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.CrossDevice... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Clo... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Cor... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Ser... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DirectoryOb... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Education      PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Files          PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Financials     PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Groups         PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Di... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Go... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Pa... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Si... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Mail           PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.ManagedTenants PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Notes          PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.People         PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.PersonalCon... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Planner        PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Reports        PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.SchemaExten... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Search         PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Security       PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Sites          PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Teams          PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users          PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users.Actions  PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users.Funct... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Beta.WindowsUpdates PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Bookings            PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Calendar            PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.ChangeNotifications PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.CloudCommunications PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Compliance          PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.CrossDeviceExper... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement    PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Devices.CloudPrint  PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Devices.Corporat... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Devices.ServiceA... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.DirectoryObjects    PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Education           PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Files               PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Groups              PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Directo... PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Partner    PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns    PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Mail                PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Notes               PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.People              PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.PersonalContacts    PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Planner             PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Reports             PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.SchemaExtensions    PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Search              PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Security            PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Sites               PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Teams               PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Users               PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions       PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets             
2.12.0     Microsoft.Graph.Users.Functions     PSGallery            Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets     MSOnline    
timayabi2020 commented 5 months ago

Based on the debug information and what you've shared from the Graph explorer, this appears to be a service issue. For API related issues/questions we are not best placed to give an answer. Kindly raise an issue here so that the API owner can respond to it.

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has been marked as requiring author feedback but has not had any activity for 4 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment.