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Mail Enabled Groups NOT Security Groups #129

Open jeffcolabs1 opened 1 year ago

jeffcolabs1 commented 1 year ago

Mail Enabled Always True


When creating a NON security enabled group and setting mailEnabled=false. The mailEnabled field is ignored and the mailEnabled flag is always set to true. If you attempt to patch the group with mailEnabled=false the response is '204' but the field is again ignored.

  1. Create Group: description: 'Description', displayName: 'Display Name', groupTypes: ['unified'], mailEnabled=false, mailNickName:'NickName', securityEnabled=false, visibility: 'private', owners: ['owners list'], members['members list']
  2. Patch Group: mailEnabled=false. Returns '204'
  3. Get Group: mailEnabled-true

Expected behavior: mailEnabled=false

Actual behavior: mailEnabled=true.

Additional Context

This would explain users reporting that when they attempt to set Mail Enabled in the Planner Interface that emails are still being produced by the group.

jeffcolabs1 commented 1 year ago

I'd like to add a bit more context if it may help in diagnosing the problem.

I'm currently in the process of automating a template copy program that adds the members, owners and task assignments.

If I set the attribute mailEnabled=false and ignore the returned result mailEnabled=true and make the assignments (in testing to myself) . I do not get any emails that a task was assigned to me as I normally would with mailEnabled=true. So it appears as though the attribute is indeed set, but the return value is always true.

A pain point in our process was that managers are assigned tasks in their bucket. The individual responsible for creating the plan would assign all the tasks under a bucket to the manager of the bucket. This would spam the managers email with all the tasks. We wanted to avoid that. Just receiving the welcome to the group was enough notification.

Hope this helps in diagnosing.


nikithauc commented 1 year ago

@jeffcolabs1 I believe you cannot change the value of mailEnable to false from true. This is a bug in the service that you are getting a 204 instead of an error.

jeffcolabs1 commented 1 year ago

@nikithauc In our SPA when I create the group with mailEnabled = false programmatically, then create the plan / buckets / tasks etc. If I follow that routine in when creating a plan from a template I do successfully create a group where email notifications are not sent when the tasks are assigned. So the flag does appear to work as expected in this situation. If I attempt to set to true after all elements are created then it will not set to true. I have to manually go into Planner Hub and check the box to allow further notifications.

Furthermore the documentation for "Create Group" Example #2 does show that you can initiate creating a group with mailEnabled = false. So if it is a service error then documentation should not include the ability to flag the value as true or false.

petrhollayms commented 2 months ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. This appears to be an issue or limitation with the service APIs. Unfortunately, as the Microsoft Graph SDK team, we do not have ownership of the APIs that are causing you issues. We invite you to create a question about the service API to Microsoft Q&A and tagged with one of the [microsoft-graph-*] tags, that way it will get routed to the appropriate team for them to triage.

For now, we will close the issue on our side but feel free to open it in the relevant repository if you think the issue is specific to SDK. Please let us know if this helps!

Note: We will close this repository on April 19, 2024.