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cURL error 56: OpenSSL SSL_read: Connection reset by peer, errno 104 #36

Closed MichaelBelgium closed 3 years ago

MichaelBelgium commented 3 years ago

When calling endpoints sometimes guzzle/curl comes up with this error. I assume this is on purpose as we're calling endpoints frequently and it's thinking it's some sort of attack? Which clearly isn't....

An example where this happens, I want to list every documentlibrary in every sharepoint site:

loop through all sites
    loop through all drives of site
        get site name and drive name
    end loop
end loop

If i want to optimize this process, msgraph doesn't support it.

getting all sites = GET /sites?search=*. If i want the drives in the same response it should be GET /sites?search=*&$expand=drives which isn't working:

    "error": {
        "code": "notSupported",
        "message": "Operation not supported",
        "innerError": {
            "date": "2020-11-24T08:25:22",
            "request-id": "1dfa8a1c-cfc8-4927-922e-6b5c8efeafa2",
            "client-request-id": "1dfa8a1c-cfc8-4927-922e-6b5c8efeafa2"

What does this curl error mean and how to prevent it? It's coming up quite frequent.

MichaelBelgium commented 3 years ago

So according to this (on this page) we can do 2000 requests per second. image

We don't reach that. So why does it reset our connection? It also never responds with error code 429 Too Many Requests

MichaelBelgium commented 3 years ago

Looks like it stopped raising that error after 3 december. Unknown how it got fixed, most likely on Microsoft side.