microspaze / FFImageLoading.Maui

FFImageLoading.Maui - Fast & Furious Image Loading for .NET MAUI
MIT License
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SVGs on iOS are blurry #31

Open PavloLukianets opened 3 weeks ago

PavloLukianets commented 3 weeks ago


Because of this added line SVGs became blurry on iOS in our project after lib update:


PavloLukianets commented 3 weeks ago

Easy quick fix - not set the scale if data resolver is SvgDataResolver<UIImage>. But i think a better way to fix this is to make the code not enter the if (scale > 1) in the first place, since i don't think this code is valid for SVG images. What are your thoughts?

microspaze commented 3 weeks ago

@PavloLukianets Can you provide the sample screen shots for the blurry images on iOS? It seems OK on my devices.


PavloLukianets commented 3 weeks ago

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 - 2024-04-20 at 12 37 37

Here you are, i've made them smaller so the difference is more noticeable. Note this only affects images coming from Raw folder since they are in the app bundle, that's why the code that doesn't need to be triggered is triggered

microspaze commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed by version 1.2.1 https://www.nuget.org/packages/FFImageLoading.Maui/1.2.1

Thanks very much for reporting this issue! It is really difficult to figure this issue.