microtherion / ScratchMonkey

Arduino software programmer sketch, supporting ISP, HVSP, and HVPP
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Arduino IDE 1.6.7 Won't Recognize Scratch Monkey Hardware Definition? #3

Open paulrpotts opened 7 years ago

paulrpotts commented 7 years ago

I am running the Arduino/Genuino 1.6.7 IDE on Windows 7. I have an Uno R3 and can build and program the Scratch Monkey sketch to this board.

However, I can't get any of the Scratch Monkey listings to show up in the Tools menu.

I see "WARNING: Error loading hardware folder C:\Users\ppotts\Documents\Arduino\hardware\scratchmonkey No valid hardware definitions found in folder scratchmonkey."

The programmers.txt file is copied directly from the ScratchMonkey distribution folder.

Any ideas?

I have the hardware all wired up to try using HVPP to program an ATtiny 641 including a 12V supply following the switching schematic, but can't test it.


microtherion commented 7 years ago

The Arduino 1.6 IDE has a rather different file layout compared to earlier versions, and to my shame, I still haven't made the switch, so I don't know what changes exactly are necessary.

paulrpotts commented 7 years ago

Oh! OK. So I won't expect it to work at all for now. I'll see if I can figure out some other way to do it and still use the +12V circuit I built. Thanks for your reply.

pgs21 commented 7 years ago

Got it working in arduino 1.8.1






boards.txt programmers.txt

boards.txt is a empty file

paulrpotts commented 7 years ago

Glad to hear it! I wound up buying an Atmel Dragon for some chips that needed the high voltage programming treatment and that worked (what a mess of wires, though!)

DCEM commented 7 years ago


I got it working thourgh the board manager ... I would prepare a pull request if you (microtherion) want to continiue supporting ScratchMonkey for Arduino IDE 1.6 plus... (I need to know because otherwise i would let the links in the json file point to my repository ...)

Also while trying to figure out how to realise the board manager stuff I noticed that if you compile ScratMonkey on Arduino 1.8.1 it does not work. The version compiled with arduino 1.0.6 works just fine ... [EDIT] That means: ScratMonkey compiled Arduino 1.8.1 does NOT work on 1.8.1 and 1.0.6 ScratMonkey compiled Arduino 1.0.6 does work on 1.8.1 and 1.0.6 [/EDIT]

Trying to sort this out at the moment...

I think it should be possible to add a patched avr-dude version, so that it is basically a one click solution to get the hardware running with the scratchmonkey protocol ...

Best regards!

microtherion commented 7 years ago

Would love to get a PR for your changes. I recently acquired a Due compatible board so I could start testing on a non-AVR platform.

What protocol did not work?

DCEM commented 7 years ago


Great, wasn't sure that you were still active on this project. I will prepare the PR shortly

I tried it with ScratchMonkey (STK500 Mode) -> ISP I rememberd that the problem might be related to the changes in compiler optimisation from Arduino 1.0.6 to 1.6.x+

I'm gussing that this screws up your timings....

See: http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-IDE-16x-compiler-optimisations-faster-code/

microtherion commented 7 years ago

That makes sense, to some extent, although hardware ISP is pretty much the least handwritten protocol in the suite. Maybe some setup times which were automatically assured with a slow compiler and thus never explicitly implemented?

ingegno commented 6 years ago

Anything I can try to have this working? Would love to stop using 1.0.5 ...