microtherion / lilyjazz2

Packaging the lilyjazz 2.0 fonts and stylesheets for lyp
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symbols for sharps and flats in chordnames #5

Open kledeen opened 2 years ago

kledeen commented 2 years ago

I am confused by the use of "<" and "<" rather than the standard \u266 etc. Chord names appear as "B >" instead of "Bb" Am I missing something? Is there some other setting / font / configuration?


microtherion commented 2 years ago

Flats and sharps showing up as > and < are precisely the problem with the original lilyjazz package that this package was designed to solve, so I suspect your seeing this problem is evidence that you're loading the wrong package. Have you taken a close look at the log files to make sure that the correct paths and fonts are showing up?