mida-project / prototype-multi-modality-assistant

[IJHCS] An assistant prototype for breast cancer diagnosis prepared with a multimodality strategy. The work was published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
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Choosing Randomly N Patients Routine from M Patients Set #19

Closed FMCalisto closed 5 years ago

FMCalisto commented 5 years ago

This issue aims at developing a routine to randomly control the way that a studyList.json file is generating the Patient ID, respectively. We need to force the studyList.json file to generate only N patients, from a set of M patients. The set of M patients does not need any autonomous control. Since we can control it manually by only uploading those M images to the DICOM server.

The issue will be of great importance for #5 and #6 issues of prototype-heatmap repository. Thus, we will bring the issues together, as they are connected and dependent.

Explaining the issue in detail, when generating the studyList.json file information, i.e., following this behavior on the loadList.js file. For instance, we need to chance it triggering randomly the generation of the studyList.json file for just three patients. Therefore, the UI will only show the three patients, even if the studies/ folder has more patients. This is the naïve, yet easy and quick, solution for the problem. The random generation of the studyList.json file will just be updated each time the server runs. Therefore, we can control error occurrences and solve during user tests.

FMCalisto commented 5 years ago

From a high-level decision, we establish to not consider the presented issue. The reasons are simple, as it was better to create and generate a list of patients on several .txt files. The repository of those .txt files can be found on the named finders-datasets repository. By going through the results/users/uta7 folder, you will find what you need. Therefore, the issue will be Closed.