middleman / middleman-blog

Blog Engine Extension for Middleman
MIT License
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I18n forced to single lang. #106

Closed motleydev closed 11 years ago

motleydev commented 11 years ago

I recently updated the the latest builds of middleman and I can't recall what the previous version was. I have articles with .html.markdown.erb extensions so that I can use an if filter based on the 18n classification to render english content for one page and german content for another but maintain a single file. When I render out article.body it always defaults to the first language, if I only bring in the title - then it remains correct. It's a little confusing to describe because I don't know why it is choosing en as the default lang since default is set to false. It is the first supported lang listed though. Thanks for any help

motleydev commented 11 years ago

Ok, some cleanup after some tests:

I have a return of <%= i18n.locale.to_s %> above my return of the article.body and one below. The one above returns "de" and the one below returns "en." If I return just article.title then it's "de" top and bottom. Thanks for any help.

bhollis commented 11 years ago

Hi @motleydev,

I'm afraid I don't completely understand what the problem is and how to reproduce it. Could you point me at a sample project that shows the bug?

motleydev commented 11 years ago

Hello @bhollis, Sorry for the confusion - I'm not even sure the best way to describe it. Here's a little more longform of what is happening with some code examples.

First, my general setup is a midleman site with i18n support for "en" and "de."

On my homepage I have a slider that uses the middleman-blog feature for my slide content.

To incorporate the multi-langual system I use an if argument in my article so that I can deliver either english or german content on build.

For example, here's a sample structure:

title: data
other: data

<% if I18n.locale.to_s == "en" %>

I speak English.

<% elsif I18n.locale.to_s == "de" %>

Ich spreche Deutsch.

<% end %>

To fully support this I used the kramdown library for my markdown engine and used erb as the layout engine.

Here's the bit from my config.rb

require "kramdown"
set :markdown_engine, :kramdown
set :markdown, :layout_engine => :erb
set :kramdown, :parse_block_html => true

My file name convention then runs like: date-title.html.markdown.erb

This all worked perfectly until recently - which, I realized, was roughly the time when either middleman-blog or middleman-core received an update and I had incorrect gemfile dependencies set to use either version x or newer.

I fixed the problem by setting a hard lock on the gem files and here is a sample from the Gemfile:

Note, this is a passing Gemfile structure, with everything set to the latest is when it breaks.

gem "middleman", "3.0.11"
gem "middleman-livereload"
gem "middleman-blog", "3.1.1"
gem "zurb-foundation", "~>3.2.0"
gem "kramdown", "~> 0.13.8"
gem "middleman-sync", "~> 3.0.5"
gem "thin"
gem "rack-contrib"
gem "middleman-minify-html"
gem "utf8"

The symptom I was experiencing was that every time I ran a server or build it would only return the english article.body into my template. As a test, I set up the following structure in my loop:

<%= I18n.locale.to_s %>
<%= article.body %>
<%= I18n.locale.to_s %>

which renders, on a german page:

de "lorem ipsum" en

If I render out:

<%= I18n.locale.to_s %>
<%= article.title %>
<%= I18n.locale.to_s %>

it returns:

de "Lorem Ipsum Title" de

I've included everything because some of this is middleware which may be causing a problem and because I also just don't know enough to know what might be causing an interaction problem. I'm really just dabbling. I'm supposed to be in Photoshop right now. :)

Thanks for any help.

bhollis commented 11 years ago

I think there's a similar bug filed against the main middleman bug tracker. I don't thing this is a blog extension problem.