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Add search suggestions for repo-search #445

Open e-for-eshaan opened 1 week ago

e-for-eshaan commented 1 week ago

Why do we need this ?

it is unclear right now that the repo-search allows passing of org-names. eg: to search this repo, one can type middlewarehq/middleware.

Hence it is important to implement a subtle CTA. A place holder of such sort can be used to display some suggestions like:

search HigherOrderCO/Bend search middlewarehq/middleware search RocketChat/Rocket.Chat

ezgif com-video-to-gif-converter


Acceptance Criteria

Further Comments / References

KartikChawla09 commented 1 week ago


@e-for-eshaan Does this solve the purpose? I can make it better by adding the slide animations if it does.

e-for-eshaan commented 6 days ago

Middleware.mp4 @e-for-eshaan Does this solve the purpose? I can make it better by adding the slide animations if it does.

Hey @KartikChawla09

Feel free to ask for any other questions and doubts, or even to discuss the code-approach, we'll be glad to help!

KartikChawla09 commented 6 days ago

Thank you very much for the feedback, I have changed the names of the repos to the ones mentioned. Also, I have removed the quotes. Do you have any suggestions regarding how I should go about adding the animations to the text without using additional packages.

Update : I was reading the documentation of Material UI (since it is already being used) and came across the Slide component. Maybe it will do the job.

e-for-eshaan commented 6 days ago

Well, this is how i did it, hope this helps!


KartikChawla09 commented 4 days ago


@e-for-eshaan can you check this once ? Earlier I was implementing it using the Slide MUI Component but now I have done it using your approch. If this looks fine I will raise a PR.

Update: image Just fixed the empty space in the label as well.