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Sony Reader stop Crop mode for PDF when start Handwriting mode #2

Open midenok opened 10 years ago

midenok commented 10 years ago

Design flaw. Someone was lazy to implement both modes.

Model: PRS-T2

Asked Support by e-mail. Case ID 2733531

midenok commented 10 years ago

me: So, why do you cancel Crop mode for PDF when start Handwriting.

Sony: I am glad to assist you with your concern about canceling the Crop mode. To cancel the Crop mode please press the return button. ...

me: To much chars, still no answer. So, WHY do you CANCEL Crop mode for pdf WHEN starting Handwriting mode.

Sony: I'm really sorry that the Reader is not letting you use the Handwriting Mode when you have the Crop Mode ON. Unfortunately you can only use one active mode at a time, this means that you cannot use both features at the same time, since this it's a technical limitation of the Reader there is not a work around for this issue. I truly apologize for this inconvenience.

me: I'm really sorry, but you are keeping not to answer my question. Am I not so clear?

So, WHY do you cancel Crop mode for pdf when starting Handwriting mode??

Sony: I understand you need to know why the crop mode was removed when using a PDF. I tried to crop a page with a handwrite using a PDF locally and it works on my side. Please follow these steps in order to try:

  1. Open the PDF file.
  2. Create the handwriting
  3. Press the options button (The one with 3 lines and a long line on top)
  4. Go to Customize View and select Crop Page, then select manual.
  5. Select the cropping size you would to use.

I tried to do the cropping first and then the handwriting and then I received an error, so in this case you need to change the process and then you will be able to do it.

If you did it in a different way before, this was change when you performed a firmware update on the unit.

me: So, it gets even interesting! And I still got no answer to my question:

WHY do you cancel Crop mode for pdf when starting Handwriting mode??

Sony: I understand you need to know why this option is not as it was before on your Reader, I would like to tell you that it was a business decision to change the crop option on the unit. I have also taken the initiative to forward your comments directly to our Reader suggestion team for their consideration.

me: Business decision to not enable Handwriting when Crop, but enable Crop when Handwriting. That's a an odd business a would say. At least.

Sony: I am very sorry that you are not completely satisfied with the Crop and Handwriting Settings. While difficult to receive, it is greatly appreciated that you have taken the time to share these comments with us. It is important for Sony to receive this type of honest, personal opinion so we can better consider the needs of our customers moving forward. Your feedback was already forwarded to our technicians for their review and their consideration. This will allow them to review your information and make critical decisions about the future growth and development of our business. We apologize for any inconvenience.

me: I just want to know that you will fix it. Not your general placations that you cut & paste.

Sony: We understand you are inquiring about the feedback sent regarding the issue with the Crop and Handwriting Settings. It is up to our technicians after they review the feedback we sent to them if they update or not update the setting. We have already forwarded your feedback to them. We apologize for any inconvenience

me: So, I'll wait for feedback from them. How long does it take to make a decision?

Sony: I understand you would like to know an estimated time frame to make a decision about your feedback. We are unable to provide an exact time frame when this will be reviewed. We apologize for the inconvenience.