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MDEV-16226 TRX_ID-based System Versioning refactoring #88

Open midenok opened 3 years ago

midenok commented 3 years ago

Reproduce: compare non-trx vs trx @ concurrency

--source include/have_innodb.inc

set timestamp= 1;
create or replace table t1 (pk int primary key, x int) with system versioning;
insert into t1 values (1, 0);

update t1 set x= x + 1;
set timestamp= 3;
update t1 set x= x + 2;
--connect con1, localhost, root
set timestamp= 2;
update t1 set x= x + 3;
--disconnect con1
--connection default
select *, row_start, row_end from t1 for system_time all order by row_end, pk;

drop tables t1;

set timestamp= 1;
create or replace table t1 (
  pk int primary key,
  x int,
  row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
  row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
  period for system_time (row_start, row_end)) with system versioning engine innodb;
insert into t1 values (1, 0);

update t1 set x= x + 1;
set timestamp= 3;
update t1 set x= x + 2;
--connect con1, localhost, root
set timestamp= 2;
update t1 set x= x + 3;
--disconnect con1
--connection default
select *, row_start, row_end, trt_commit_ts(row_start), trt_commit_ts(row_end) from t1 for system_time all order by row_end, pk;

drop tables t1;


select *, row_start, row_end from t1 for system_time all order by row_end, pk;
pk      x       row_start       row_end
1       1       1970-01-01 03:00:01.000000      1970-01-01 03:00:03.000000
1       6       1970-01-01 03:00:02.000000      2038-01-19 06:14:07.999999
select *, row_start, row_end, trt_commit_ts(row_start), trt_commit_ts(row_end) from t1 for system_time all order by row_end, pk;
pk      x       row_start       row_end trt_commit_ts(row_start)        trt_commit_ts(row_end)
1       0       35      38      1970-01-01 03:00:01.000000      1970-01-01 03:00:01.000000
1       1       38      41      1970-01-01 03:00:01.000000      1970-01-01 03:00:03.000000
1       3       41      44      1970-01-01 03:00:03.000000      1970-01-01 03:00:02.000000
1       6       44      18446744073709551615    1970-01-01 03:00:02.000000      2038-01-19 06:14:07.999999

As we see trx versioning allows all events independent of timestamps (row_start later than row_end). non-trx skips such events:

int vers_insert_history_row(TABLE *table)
    Skip concurrent events when they happen at same query time (row_start == row_end)
    or when they happen with time jitter (row_start > row_end).
  if (row_start->cmp(row_start->ptr, row_end->ptr) >= 0)
    return 0;
midenok commented 1 year ago


Look how rollback from undo log works. It finds clustered index records to recover, so it knows where are they.

TODO Investigate

midenok commented 1 year ago

Row is located by undo record

--source include/have_innodb.inc
create table t (x int) engine=innodb;
insert t values (1);
start transaction;
update t set x= 2;
select * from t;
drop tables t;
#0  row_undo_search_clust_to_pcur (node=0x7f4b4005f608) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:167
#1  0x00005636ead177a9 in row_undo_mod_parse_undo_rec (node=0x7f4b4005f608, dict_locked=false) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0umod.cc:1139
#2  0x00005636ead16b04 in row_undo_mod (node=0x7f4b4005f608, thr=0x7f4b40058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0umod.cc:1191
#3  0x00005636ead100ff in row_undo (node=0x7f4b4005f608, thr=0x7f4b40058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:405
#4  0x00005636ead0fdf5 in row_undo_step (thr=0x7f4b40058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:452
#5  0x00005636eac4511d in que_thr_step (thr=0x7f4b40058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:586
#6  0x00005636eac44633 in que_run_threads_low (thr=0x7f4b40058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:644
#7  0x00005636eac443e4 in que_run_threads (thr=0x7f4b40058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:664
#8  0x00005636ead7cc78 in trx_t::rollback_low (this=0x7f4b62335b80, savept=0x0) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:124
#9  0x00005636ead798db in trx_rollback_for_mysql_low (trx=0x7f4b62335b80) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:195
#10 0x00005636ead79522 in trx_rollback_for_mysql (trx=0x7f4b62335b80) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:230
#11 0x00005636ea94a47c in innobase_rollback (hton=0x5636eca7e4f8, thd=0x7f4b40002108, rollback_trx=true) at ../src/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4590
#12 0x00005636e9f357bc in ha_rollback_trans (thd=0x7f4b40002108, all=true) at ../src/sql/handler.cc:2254
#13 0x00005636ea5ffccf in trans_rollback (thd=0x7f4b40002108) at ../src/sql/transaction.cc:372
#14 0x00005636ea3bbdb2 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7f4b40002108, is_called_from_prepared_stmt=false) at ../src/sql/sql_parse.cc:5399
#15 0x00005636ea3af28f in mysql_parse (thd=0x7f4b40002108, rawbuf=0x7f4b4002e190 "rollback", length=8, parser_state=0x7f4b515651e8) at ../src/sql/sql_parse.cc:7760
midenok commented 1 year ago
--source include/have_innodb.inc
create table t (x int) engine=innodb;
insert t values (1), (2), (3);
start transaction;
insert t values (4);
update t set x= x + 10;
insert t values (5);
update t set x= x + 20;
select * from t;
drop tables t;

Undo node created

#0  0x00005578d5b273ed in trx_roll_graph_build (trx=0x7f12086beb80) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:827
#1  0x00005578d5b26dae in trx_rollback_start (trx=0x7f12086beb80, roll_limit=0) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:860
#2  0x00005578d5b26a0c in trx_rollback_step (thr=0x7f11dc0594c8) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:920
#3  0x00005578d59efff1 in que_thr_step (thr=0x7f11dc0594c8) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:594
#4  0x00005578d59ef493 in que_run_threads_low (thr=0x7f11dc0594c8) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:644
#5  0x00005578d59ef244 in que_run_threads (thr=0x7f11dc0594c8) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:664
#6  0x00005578d5b27acb in trx_t::rollback_low (this=0x7f12086beb80, savept=0x0) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:123

Get next undo record

#0  trx_undo_get_prev_rec (block=@0x7f12000ec340: 0x7f12085bf2b0, rec=978, page_no=46, offset=488, shared=true, mtr=0x7f12000ec370) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0undo.cc:216
#1  0x00005578d5abbf79 in row_undo_rec_get (node=0x7f11dc03bad8) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:325
#2  0x00005578d5abaee8 in row_undo (node=0x7f11dc03bad8, thr=0x7f11dc058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:390
#3  0x00005578d5abac55 in row_undo_step (thr=0x7f11dc058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:452
#4  0x00005578d59eff7d in que_thr_step (thr=0x7f11dc058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:586
#5  0x00005578d59ef493 in que_run_threads_low (thr=0x7f11dc058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:644
#6  0x00005578d59ef244 in que_run_threads (thr=0x7f11dc058d88) at ../src/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:664
#7  0x00005578d5b27ad8 in trx_t::rollback_low (this=0x7f12086beb80, savept=0x0) at ../src/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:124

For rollback trx_undo_get_prev_rec() is used, for purge trx_undo_get_next_rec() is used.

Undo rec is copied

#0  trx_undo_rec_copy (undo_rec=0x7f12086203d2 "\003\365\034\n\022", heap=0x7f11dc0590a8) at ../src/storage/innobase/include/trx0rec.h:55
#1  0x00005578d5abc1fa in row_undo_rec_get (node=0x7f11dc03bad8) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:341
341             node->undo_rec = trx_undo_rec_copy(undo_page->page.frame + offset,
342                                                node->heap);

Getting undo_no

#0  trx_undo_rec_get_undo_no (undo_rec=0x7f11dc059128 "") at ../src/storage/innobase/include/trx0rec.h:62
#1  0x00005578d5abc395 in row_undo_rec_get (node=0x7f11dc03bad8) at ../src/storage/innobase/row/row0undo.cc:371
371             trx->undo_no = node->undo_no = trx_undo_rec_get_undo_no(
372                     node->undo_rec);