midilab / aciduino

Affordable and DIY, Roland TB-303 and TR-808 step sequencer clone and midi controller. Packed with additional features, specifically designed for musicians and DJs to use on live performances or streamline their studio creative process.
MIT License
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V2B02 Generative page "octave" parameter #16

Closed 2b2a2t2 closed 1 year ago

2b2a2t2 commented 1 year ago

octave parameter is not tweakable through buttons, works fine with knob but not with buttons octaveS parameter works just fine

midilab commented 1 year ago

great to have a beta tester around! thanks for reporting! i hope you're enjoying jamming with aciduino. fixed on: https://github.com/midilab/aciduino/commit/68f9bedcb1fc44458008ba650fac2aff68767a72

Soon i will make a release as beta3, waiting a bit more bugs and new features to come, but you can clone the latest changes on the repo to use the fixes. remember to init submodules. check README.md

2b2a2t2 commented 1 year ago

Hello and thanks for this work ! I tested Beta 3 and have nothing to report, a small fix when exiting the tempo menu (left and right buttons only work after pressing up or down a second time) For the jamming part, a few more CCs would be much appreciated in the 808 live page, it would be nice to add a few pots or encoders, the generate button is a delight.

midilab commented 1 year ago

its on todo list to finish a full midi control for roland cloud, but i get into troubles with teensy lc and ram/rom storage. With that in mind i will make differente pre processor flags to select a few more important features to get more ram avaliable to get mode midi cc or tracks.

Any way i see that you are probrably using a teensy 3.6 si that rigth? if thats rigth you have a plenty of more memory ram/rom to create as much as you would like to, or new tracks, everyuthing is configurable via src/sequencer/setup.h but keep in mind that if your configurations do not meet the ram,rom needed probrably you wont see the aciduino boot...

Just edit the page_live.ino and create the new controls using the ones there as basis, probrably set the last parameter of page create() to 2(its the subpages avaliable) and split then thru subpages.

Its best if we keep topic for discussion so others can later search and filter content. So you can create another issue as request of help maybe with that topic. each issue a topic.