midlang / mid

mid is a generic domain-specific language for generating code and documentation
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protobuf #7

Open joeblew99 opened 7 years ago

joeblew99 commented 7 years ago

just wanted to aks a few things. this looks really good. I like hwo the templates are seperated into parts. Makes it very easy.

I currently work with protobufs, goang, c++ and QT. SO at the moment i am using this: https://github.com/moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate Its nice and generates the GRPC with any bindings because its based on gokit. Here is a good example: https://github.com/moul/protoc-gen-gotemplate/tree/master/examples/go-kit

SO this gets me a Service and Client and structs. Not bad but i also need to gen a fair bit of database code (using boltdb), a file storgae layer (using minio), and some c++ and QML (for client).

So you seem to be using your own DSL as a basis to gen from, and i was thinking how best to map to it. Any ideas ?

mkideal commented 7 years ago

First, write a template to generate protobuf from mid, so you can gen some code from generated protobuf. Then, write other templates to generate database,c++,QML ... etc.

You can write a demo to show me what you want to generate protobuf and other codes are.