midnightchip / RelocateMe

GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 1 forks source link

Spoofed Location Does not Persist #1

Open magicmq opened 2 years ago

magicmq commented 2 years ago

Hello, I recently purchased this app hoping that it would be an improvement over command-line based locsim, but it seems that RelocateMe suffers the same major problem I was having with locsim.

After a period of time (I have not been able to deduce the exact amount of time but it seems that it occurs randomly), my location will reset to my true location, and my location will no longer be the simulated location. This is a major issue, as when I hit "Emulate Location" in your app, I expect the emulated location to persist indefinitely. In fact, on the Chariz repo, I see this under features: "Simulation persists after closing the application". This is evidently not the case. It is cumbersome for me to have to open RelocateMe, hit "Stop Emulation", and hit "Emulate Location" every single time my location resets back to my true location, especially since this happens often.

I applaud the UI and convenience of choosing a location using the address search and map features, but I am disappointed that I paid $3 for an app that does not entirely function as advertised.

If I had known in advance that RelocateMe suffered the same persistence issues as locsim, I would have simply made my own shell script to automate locsim.

For your information, I am running iOS 14.3 on a iPhone XS jailbroken with unc0ver/Fugu14.

Can you please fix this? Thank you.

midnightchip commented 2 years ago

This is an issue with the framework that this relies on. If I were to hazard a guess, apples subsystems are killing the process after a given amount of time, or when your device begins to run low on memory. I am finishing finals, so I can look into this afterwords, but it may not be possible for the emulation to run for an infinite amount of time because of the way the operating system was designed.