midoshouse / ootr-multiworld

An alternative implementation of multiworld for the Ocarina of Time randomizer
MIT License
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Some items don't get sent and some are sent multiple times #39

Open severinkaderli opened 4 months ago

severinkaderli commented 4 months ago

I'm currently playing a Multiworld Randomizer with a friend using Mido's House on Bizhawk. I'm running on Windows 11 and he is running on Fedora 39.

I collected some items in my world (Cojiro, Bomb Bag) that he never received and some items that I collected for him (Strength Upgrade, a song, a key ring) that he received twice in a row. I always received all items from him and only once.

We're running the dev version of the Randomizer (Commit f3dad2bc) instead of the stable version, could this be the cause of this issue?

fenhl commented 4 months ago

The Dev version of the randomizer is fully supported. It's possible that this issue is specific to that version, but it would still be a bug in that case.

If you are consistently able to reproduce this, please post steps to do so. Alternatively, you can enable logging and post the logs from both players if this happens again.

severinkaderli commented 4 months ago

Ok, we enabled logging and it happened again. I found the Megaton Hammer and my friend didn't receive it.

Here are the log files. Player 1 was using Fedora and Player 2 is using Windows. I needed to zip the log files because GitHub wouldn't let me upload them otherwise: Midos_House_Log_Files.zip

Hope this helps.

fenhl commented 4 months ago

Interesting… The hammer made it all the way to P1's frontend, so the bug is happening at some point after that. I'll have to add more logging to the BizHawk frontend.

AlbeyAmakiir commented 3 months ago

Having the same issue. I'm player 2 on ArchLinux and player 1 is on Windows 10. We didn't use any randomiser features from 8.1, but built the rom with 8.1.

It was hard to see a pattern at first, but carfully observing a little way into the game, the pattern seems to be:

Oddly, if I don't save, then rejoin the game, then I receive the backlog of items, and they seem to be correct and neither missing nor duplicated at that point. But thereafter the pattern resumes.

Looking at the logs, they seem to be correct, but we didn't have logging enabled for much of it.

I am not sure if it matters, but even though I have set BizHawk to use Mupen64, it seems to be using Ares64, instead.

fenhl commented 3 months ago

It was hard to see a pattern at first, but carfully observing a little way into the game, the pattern seems to be:

  • An item fails to arrive
  • The next item arrives twice
  • Repeat

The next item arriving twice is interesting. I think it means that the BizHawk plugin has received and remembered the first item, but for whatever reason hasn't inserted it into the game memory.

I am not sure if it matters, but even though I have set BizHawk to use Mupen64, it seems to be using Ares64, instead.

That's expected, Ares64 is BizHawk's only N64 core that runs on Linux.

fenhl commented 3 months ago

I've released version 15.1.9 with improved logging. If you run into the bug again on the new version, please send another set of logs.