I think in the project 04, its title "Prueba técnica" is unrepresentative of what kind of project supposed to be, so I consider a great idea to add a few more words to explain better the main concepto of the project.
My propousals are this:
04: Prueba técnica de [consumo de API / fetching / peticiones] y testing [e2e / básico / básico e2e]
...or if you have something more interesting, even better! 💯
I think in the project 04, its title "Prueba técnica" is unrepresentative of what kind of project supposed to be, so I consider a great idea to add a few more words to explain better the main concepto of the project.
My propousals are this: 04: Prueba técnica de [
consumo de API
] y testing [e2e
/básico e2e
]...or if you have something more interesting, even better! 💯