midwire / free_zipcode_data

Free US and world-wide postal codes in SQLite and CSV format
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state abbreviations are not globally unique #18

Open jsm222 opened 2 years ago

jsm222 commented 2 years ago

Expected Behavior

All countries states are not mixed up

Actual Behavior

Some countries states are mixed up (For instance 82 for state_abbr)

Steps to reproduce the problem

Run without specifying a country

cut -d'       ' -f4,5 allCountries.txt | grep 82 | cut -d'    ' -f1 | sort | uniq


-d'       '


These adm1 share 82 as abbr: (As example) Çankiri Khulna Division Královéhradecký kraj Phang Nga Pomerania Region Midtjylland

A possible workaround Instead of https://github.com/midwire/free_zipcode_data/blob/292a336047f2c3f313480d4c9ff5dab5164567fd/lib/free_zipcode_data/db_table.rb#L48

    def get_state_id(state_abbr, state_name)
      sql = "SELECT id FROM states
        WHERE abbr = '#{state_abbr}' and  name = '#{escape_single_quotes(state_name)}'"
      res = select_first(sql)
      if(res == nil) 
         sql = "SELECT id FROM states WHERE name = '#{escape_single_quotes(state_name)}'"
      return res

The fallback to test only for name is required because of mixed up state_abbr in Denmark's data (One State (Region) has two abbr's for the same state name i.e the state has one name but falsely in the dataset two abbr's, (More of data a date quality issue) and perhaps other countries as well. EDIT: Perhaps using country_id in the state_id lookup would be better... BTW South Africa does not have a adm1 (state) so I used country for state like this

 def write(row)
      if(row[:short_state] == nil || row[:short_state] == '')
        row[:short_state] = row[:country]
        row[:state] = country_lookup_table[row[:country]][:name]
      return nil unless row[:short_state]
      row[:state] = 'Marshall Islands' if row[:short_state] == 'MH' && row[:state].nil?
      country_id = get_country_id(row[:country])
      sql = <<-SQL
        INSERT INTO states (abbr, name, country_id)
        VALUES ('#{row[:short_state]}',
      rescue SQLite3::ConstraintException
        # Swallow duplicates
midwire commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this. A pull request would be most appreciated.