miekd / Brief

Brief is a Chat Style for Skype 5 on OS X.
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Unwanted automatic down scrolling on new message (+ FIX) #10

Open thimo opened 11 years ago

thimo commented 11 years ago

In my Skype client (Mac Skype 6.1.60) the chat view scrolls down on each new message (quite irritating). Where in the default theme the view only scrolls down if you're near the bottom.

The cause of this is in the main.css:

html, body { height: 100%; }

With "height: 100%;" the document.body.offsetHeight always returns the height of the window and thus the method _nearBottom() always returns true. This "height: 100%;" isn't in the default theme.

Changing the CSS to this fixes the automatic scrolling behavior:

html, body { /height: 100%; / }