mienaiyami / yomikiru

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Possible memory issue on app start #151

Closed omodia closed 1 year ago

omodia commented 1 year ago

Setup or portable version of the app?


Steps to reproduce

  1. v2.11.3 takes 2 - 3 times more RAM than previous versions. 2. Reloading the app does not clear the memory as effectively as it did in previous versions.

✔️ Expected Behavior

To take the same memory as it did for previous versions when they were updated.

❌ Actual Behavior

Takes 2 - 3 times more RAM.

omodia commented 1 year ago

This issue might be related to these two as no other change was made from v2.11.2 to v2.11.3, except #6.

When you are free and have times, from v2.11.2 source code, please check if this issue still persists after enabling #6 and skipping these two for testing purpose.

mienaiyami commented 1 year ago

It is not related to them at all, and I cant reproduce it yet. My ram usage is 70mb every time i launch. And there is a little increase in RAM usage because of #140, #143. Performance doesn't come for free, there is always RAM and CPU factors.

omodia commented 1 year ago

My ram usage is 70mb every time i launch. Performance doesn't come for free, there is always RAM and CPU factors.

True. But for me, it became 120MB everytime I launch the app.

My CPU is AMD ryzen and not Intel. If it is related.

I will disclose my system specs if needed.

Thank you.

omodia commented 1 year ago

But for me, it became 120MB everytime I launch the app.

omodia commented 1 year ago

My ram usage is 70mb every time i launch. Performance doesn't come for free, there is always RAM and CPU factors.

omodia commented 1 year ago

What do you think?

mienaiyami commented 1 year ago

Im not sure myself. It is not my area of expertise.

omodia commented 1 year ago


zeoint commented 1 year ago

This is also happening to me too.

omodia commented 1 year ago

On further testing I found that 2. is performing the same as it did in the previous versions. So I striked it out.

I have changed the title and the first comment accordingly.

  1. v2.11.3 takes 2 - 3 times more RAM on app start than previous versions. 2. Reloading the app does not clear the memory as effectively as it did in previous versions.
omodia commented 1 year ago

After experimenting, I found this.

(You might not be able to produce this behavior as you said the app takes 70 MB on your system).

To produce the below video behavior,

  1. First, choose a default location for 2 app versions.
  2. After closing the app, Rename the default location.
  3. Now open them and see task manager.
  4. For both versions the RAM usage for me is almost same at the dialogue pop-up, after that the difference is noticed.
  5. Since this issue is still open, I mentioned this thinking this might help.



mienaiyami commented 1 year ago

Check if hardware acceleration affect.

omodia commented 1 year ago

Check if hardware acceleration affect.

Yes. Oddly, it has an affect. The RAM usage has gone down to 55 MB - 70 MB after disabling hardware acceleration. Maybe, as you said before, it might be the limitation of my system.