mienaiyami / yomikiru

An offline desktop reader for manga, comics, and novels. Offers a customizable reading experience with extensive settings, shortcuts, themes and layouts. Manga reader / Manhwa reader / Webtoon Reader / EPUB Reader. **Not a downloader**
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Some Text color secondary (epub, pdf, zip) are linked to text color #227

Closed zeoint closed 9 months ago

zeoint commented 9 months ago

Type of installation

Portable (.zip)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Change the secondary text color to another color.
  2. Some button styled epub, zip, pdf that are in location tab, settings menu are not linked to text color secondary, but are linked to font color.

✔️ Expected Behavior

For the epub, zip, pdf that are in location tab, settings tab, to be linked to text color secondary.

❌ Actual Behavior

They are linked to text color.

mienaiyami commented 9 months ago

I did that in https://github.com/mienaiyami/yomikiru/issues/217#issuecomment-1655649420 because size wasnt the problem. image image

As you can see that they are hard to read, even with same size. If you have any suggestion, then do mention. Otherwise, I think I might revert the changes because its just a "bad theme" thing (even thought I made that theme).

zeoint commented 9 months ago

As you can see that they are hard to read, even with same size. If you have any suggestion, then do mention. Otherwise, I think I might revert the changes because its just a "bad theme" thing (even thought I made that theme).

Can you please rephrase, I did not understand.

mienaiyami commented 9 months ago

What I meant to say is, I intentionally made it to use font color in settings because they aren't really small, https://github.com/mienaiyami/yomikiru/issues/217#issuecomment-1655649420, they just have a bad match up of color in case of "theme2" and "secondary text color". The contrast ratio is bad and I couldn't think of a better way to fix this.

Before https://github.com/mienaiyami/yomikiru/issues/217#issuecomment-1655649420, and even now (outside settings) they use came color as text beside them. Because they are used in places where both "font color" and "secondary font color" are, I decided not to give it its own variable for color because it can make it stand out a lot in some place.

zeoint commented 9 months ago

Oh, Cool.

mienaiyami commented 9 months ago

If you have any suggestion, then please mention. Otherwise, I dont think there is a direct fix for it.

zeoint commented 9 months ago

Since they are code, its better to add "Code Text Color" in theme maker. There is already "Code BG Color" and "Code Shadow Color".

But I think its not ideal. In continue reading tab, it feels out of place for every theme since it takes the same color as text beside them. They are there to know that an item is an epub / pdf / archive at a glance. Kindly check the below images.

zeoint commented 9 months ago

One can change the secondary text color to improve the readability of the code in continue reading tab. But it also changes the color of the chapter, so adding code text color would solve it for all needs.

zeoint commented 9 months ago

I decided not to give it its own variable for color because it can make it stand out a lot in some place.

But they are there to stand out, to know at a glance the type of item. If it seems out of place, then one can just change them accordingly in theme maker.