mienaiyami / yomikiru

An offline desktop reader for manga, comics, and novels. Offers a customizable reading experience with extensive settings, shortcuts, themes and layouts. Manga reader / Manhwa reader / Webtoon Reader / EPUB Reader. **Not a downloader**
MIT License
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Gallery Mode #292

Open Nu70ry opened 8 months ago

Nu70ry commented 8 months ago

Type of reader (if reader related)


Description of the new feature / enhancement

The Left hand side "Location" Panel is now more of a "compact mode" i would like a "gallery mode" that looks somewhat like crunchyroll manga section or similiar online manga platforms With cover/first page. This is more like an eye candy suggestion.

Scenario when this would be used?

No response

Supporting information

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Please note that the author might only respond on weekends, so we kindly ask for your patience and understanding.

omodia commented 8 months ago

Fellow user, no offence, but I think it would overcomplicate Yomikiru and introduce unnecessary new bugs similar to houdoku's # 257 and # 205 which are still unresolved since 2 years.

This feature request and #291 seem to be requesting the dev to transform this app into, a library manager.

You could drag and drop the inage file into Yomikiru from explorer to read them. Or you could use search bar to search a comic name in location tab.

zeoint commented 8 months ago

A simple solution would be to choose to display the images as large style mode in windows explorer and drag and drop the image file into yomikiru. You have the gallery feature in windows explorer directly.

Nu70ry commented 8 months ago

tbh not sure why anyone would have something against an optional feature. this is not something that would be forced upon you even if the dev intents to add it.

omodia commented 8 months ago

tbh not sure why anyone would have something against an optional feature.

You hadn't mentioned in your issue to make it an optional feature, hence my remark / concern since I am a user too. It was a misunderstanding. You could have just mentioned optional when you opened the issue. I apologize if my remark sounded rude to you.

zeoint commented 8 months ago

Dev, please make this one and #291 an optional feature that can be enable from settings.🙏🙏🙏🙏 Cause some users don't want to spend extra resources for them. And I personally like the current location tab. As and ex-opencomic user, I did like that app's "gallery mode" user interface, I prefer the existing one in Yomikiru. Please make #292 and #291 optional.🙏🙏🙏🙏

Nu70ry commented 8 months ago

i thought it was clear with "compact mode" and "gallery mode", sorry for any missunderstandings here.

mienaiyami commented 8 months ago

I had something similar in mind but only for "Continue reading", and it being toggleable like settings button on top of app.

I have said in many places, I made this app to be folder based rather than having a library system. I just wanted it so that I can open my manga from anywhere in folders, fast and easy, without any extra steps, which I guess is what the users want as well.

And this being offline app with no included downloader I couldn't provide any way to add cover images for the cards. And most downloaders don't include a cover image as well. So it would have been totally dependent on the user to include and set them, which is something I wouldn't want to do personally either.

But now Im considering just getting the cover images from anilist apis. But since it will stop being a fully working offline app with that added, it everything related to it will be optional and disabled by default.

The feature itself will be low priority for the time being because I have many other fixes to check and dont have much time.

shortbach commented 3 months ago

I had something similar in mind but only for "Continue reading", and it being toggleable like settings button on top of app.

I have said in many places, I made this app to be folder based rather than having a library system. I just wanted it so that I can open my manga from anywhere in folders, fast and easy, without any extra steps, which I guess is what the users want as well.

And this being offline app with no included downloader I couldn't provide any way to add cover images for the cards. And most downloaders don't include a cover image as well. So it would have been totally dependent on the user to include and set them, which is something I wouldn't want to do personally either.

But now Im considering just getting the cover images from anilist apis. But since it will stop being a fully working offline app with that added, it everything related to it will be optional and disabled by default.

The feature itself will be low priority for the time being because I have many other fixes to check and dont have much time.

Sry I'm late but I just want to give my humble opinion regarding the cover issue. You dont have to use the Anilist api to get the cover. Just make it so that a series will automatically use the first page from the first file (usually, volume 1/chapter 1 with the cover page i.e. usually named p000) as a cover. And if a users want to change a cover to their liking, then the user has the option to put a JPG file named "Cover" in the manga series and the app will then use this JPG image as the series cover. This is what Tachiyomi is doing for their Local Source (offline) library

zeoint commented 3 months ago

Sry I'm late but I just want to give my humble opinion regarding the cover issue. You dont have to use the Anilist api to get the cover. Just make it so that a series will automatically use the first page from the first file (usually, volume 1/chapter 1 with the cover page i.e. usually named p000) as a cover. And if a users want to change a cover to their liking, then the user has the option to put a JPG file named "Cover" in the manga series and the app will then use this JPG image as the series cover.

A better procedure for this is already here - https://github.com/mienaiyami/yomikiru/issues/341#issue-2094174306.