mienaiyami / yomikiru

An offline desktop reader for manga, comics, and novels. Offers a customizable reading experience with extensive settings, shortcuts, themes and layouts. Manga reader / Manhwa reader / Webtoon Reader / EPUB Reader. **Not a downloader**
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after close app, dont close completely #338

Closed wolfkingal2000 closed 3 months ago

wolfkingal2000 commented 3 months ago

Type of installation

Setup (.exe)

Type of reader (if reader related)


Steps to reproduce

Hello, when I close the program, it doesn't close completely and it is still working in Windows task manager. Thank you for fixing this.

✔️ Expected Behavior

No response

❌ Actual Behavior

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Please note that the author might only respond on weekends, so we kindly ask for your patience and understanding.

mienaiyami commented 3 months ago

Can you give more details, like when it happens or how do you open the application. I checked on multiple OS and cant reproduce this behavior.

wolfkingal2000 commented 3 months ago

I tried several times, the bug did not show itself, I will close these issues, if it shows again, I will open it again, then I will also record a video.

Can you give more details, like when it happens or how do you open the application. I checked on multiple OS and cant reproduce this behavior.