Closed anehkumar closed 9 months ago
Hi, I am getting this error [Error: Error= 5 (unknown), internalErrorCode=124]
const getSdkJwtToken = async ( sdkKey, sdkSecret, expiresInSeconds, ) => { const epochInSeconds = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); const payload = { appKey: sdkKey, iat: epochInSeconds, exp: epochInSeconds + expiresInSeconds, tokenExp: epochInSeconds + expiresInSeconds, }; const token = await sign(payload, sdkSecret, { algorithm: 'HS256', typ: 'JWT', }); return token; };
const initializeZoom = async (sdkKey, sdkSecret) => { try { /* await ZoomUs.initialize({ clientKey: sdkKey, clientSecret: sdkSecret, }, { language: 'en-US', enableCustomizedMeetingUI, }); */ let jwtToken = await getSdkJwtToken(sdkKey, sdkSecret, 3600); console.log("jwtToken", jwtToken); const initializeResult = await ZoomUs.initialize({ jwtToken: jwtToken, domain: '', }, { language: 'en-US', disableShowVideoPreviewWhenJoinMeeting: true, enableCustomizedMeetingUI: true, }); setIsInitialized(true); } catch (e) { Alert.alert('Error', e.message); console.log(e); } }
Can you please help me to fix this. I am using "react-native-zoom-us": "^6.20.0",
@anehkumar In the future, it would be great if you could post your solution so that others can learn from it if they encounter the issue.
Hi, I am getting this error [Error: Error= 5 (unknown), internalErrorCode=124]
Can you please help me to fix this. I am using "react-native-zoom-us": "^6.20.0",