mieszko4 / react-native-zoom-us

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JoinMeeting crashes the app android #263

Closed tonnie1028 closed 10 months ago

tonnie1028 commented 1 year ago

I am using the latest 6.16.5 package version. Initialize has no issues, however, when i call joinMeeting the app instantly crashes. Running the test app works on my device. Any ideas why it crashes for my own app? I am also using Expo Av in my application if this is relating to the other ticket.

Crash Logs: java_vm_ext.cc:594] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI CallIntMethodV called with pending exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__emutls_get_address" referenced by "/data/app/~~3QH5Bv4W1NE2r4_UE7oPsQ==/com.app.app-rpORBmzLPUFv2VBbMXbyMQ==/lib/arm64/libannotate.so"... java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(java.lang.ClassLoader, java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) (Runtime.java:1077) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) (Runtime.java:998) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void java.lang.System.loadLibrary(java.lang.String) (System.java:1661) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.zipow.videobox.mainboard.module.ZmSdkMainBoard.loadSDKConfAppNativeModules() (ZmSdkMainBoard.java:8) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.zipow.videobox.mainboard.module.ZmSdkMainBoard.createConfAppForSdk(java.lang.String) (ZmSdkMainBoard.java:8) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.initConfAppForSDK(java.lang.String) (VideoBoxApplication.java:23) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at int com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.startConfServiceForSDK(android.os.Bundle) (VideoBoxApplication.java:8) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at int com.zipow.videobox.ptapp.ConfProcessMgr.createConfProcess(java.lang.String) (ConfProcessMgr.java:15) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.zipow.videobox.mainboard.Mainboard.notifyUrlActionImpl(java.lang.String) (Mainboard.java:-2) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.zipow.videobox.mainboard.Mainboard.notifyUrlAction(java.lang.String) (Mainboard.java:6) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at int com.zipow.videobox.confapp.meeting.premeeting.joinscene.ZMJoinByUrl.joinByUrl(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) (ZMJoinByUrl.java:61) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at int com.zipow.videobox.confapp.meeting.premeeting.joinscene.ZMJoinByUrl.joinByUrl(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, boolean) (ZMJoinByUrl.java:43) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at int com.zipow.videobox.confapp.meeting.premeeting.joinscene.ZMJoinByUrl.startConfrence(android.content.Context) (ZMJoinByUrl.java:3) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at boolean com.zipow.videobox.JoinByURLActivity.a(android.net.Uri, boolean) (JoinByURLActivity.java:13) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at boolean com.zipow.videobox.JoinByURLActivity.a(android.net.Uri, boolean, boolean) (JoinByURLActivity.java:41) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.zipow.videobox.JoinByURLActivity.b(android.net.Uri, boolean) (JoinByURLActivity.java:44) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.zipow.videobox.JoinByURLActivity.onResume() (JoinByURLActivity.java:181) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(android.app.Activity) (Instrumentation.java:1531) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.Activity.performResume(boolean, java.lang.String) (Activity.java:8708) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at boolean android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, boolean, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:5343) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, boolean, boolean, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:5436) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.servertransaction.ResumeActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (ResumeActivityItem.java:54) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.servertransaction.ActivityTransactionItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (ActivityTransactionItem.java:45) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeLifecycleState(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:176) 03:39:46.059 A java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:97) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:2576) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at boolean android.os.Looper.loopOnce(android.os.Looper, long, int) (Looper.java:226) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:313) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:8775) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:571) java_vm_ext.cc:594] at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1067) java_vm_ext.cc:594] java_vm_ext.cc:594] in call to CallIntMethodV java_vm_ext.cc:594] from void com.zipow.videobox.mainboard.Mainboard.notifyUrlActionImpl(java.lang.String)

cloudy-ninja commented 1 year ago

Which version of react-native are you using?

andrew-schenk commented 1 year ago

also seeing this on RN 70.6

tonnie1028 commented 1 year ago

also seeing this on RN 70.6

Which version of react-native are you using?

I'm on RN 70.5. But the sample app is also on 70.5 and it works fine

wilkinson4 commented 1 year ago

I'm also experiencing this issue on RN 0.68.6. I found this stack overflow post that may hint at what the underlying issue is in our case, but I still don't have a solution.

mieszko4 commented 1 year ago

Would be great if someone could provide a repo with minimum example app which crashes so that we can reproduce this. In any case, my guess is that it uses some native lib that is not in test app. that's why test app works fine. If I had this failing app, I would start by taking sample app and adding these native libs and seeing at which point it makes it crash.

anauk commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue on Android 12, version react-native-zoom-us 6.16.5

anauk commented 1 year ago


anauk commented 1 year ago

I get jwt and use this method const initializeResult = await ZoomUs.initialize( {jwtToken: jwt}, { language: 'en', disableShowVideoPreviewWhenJoinMeeting: true }, );

mtr1012 commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue on Android 12, version react-native-zoom-us 6.16.5 Me same. waiting for the fix

wilkinson4 commented 1 year ago

I recently upgraded our app from react native 0.68 to the latest version, and since upgrading this issue went away.

chirag-codealchemy commented 1 year ago


it's my repo with minimum example app which crashes

note:- my app crash on devices android 12 and above

chirag-codealchemy commented 1 year ago


chirag-codealchemy commented 1 year ago


ccdwyer commented 1 year ago

Seeing this as well.

ccdwyer commented 1 year ago

I tried updating the build tools and NDK version to match the latest version of React Native, and I had a few builds where it worked, but it seems to randomly either work or not.

in /android/build.gradle I added/set the following under buildscript.ext:

buildToolsVersion = '33.0.0'
compileSdkVersion = 33
targetSdkVersion = 33
ndkVersion = "23.1.7779620"
kotlin_version = "1.6.20"
kotlinVersion = "1.6.20"

Then under buildscript.dependencies I set:


In /android/gradle/gradle-wrapper.properties:


In /android/app/build.gradle under android I added:

ndkVersion rootProject.ext.ndkVersion
anauk commented 1 year ago

Thank you

murtazakaz commented 1 year ago

@ccdwyer hey can you tell what react native version are you using?

anauk commented 1 year ago


On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 at 23:49, Syed Muhamamd Murtaza < @.***> wrote:

@ccdwyer https://github.com/ccdwyer hey can you tell what react native version are you using?

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wstuckmeyer commented 1 year ago

Hi I'm also experiencing this

react-native: 0.68.6 react-native-zoom-us: 6.16.5

My error log looks identical to the the one above. Trying to get this sorted out before the May 6 SDK cutoff

wstuckmeyer commented 1 year ago

After downgrading to 6.16.4 and manually adding mobilerct.aar and commonlibs.aar everything seems to be working now.

paingpyaethu commented 1 year ago

After downgrading to 6.16.4 and manually adding mobilerct.aar and commonlibs.aar everything seems to be working now.

It works in debug mode but can't build assembleRelease. Is any solution please?

There's an error -> > Error while evaluating property 'hasLocalAarDeps' of task ':react-native-zoom-us:bundleReleaseLocalLintAar'

Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported when building an AAR. The resulting AAR would be broken because the classes and Android resources from any local .aar file dependencies would not be packaged in the resulting AAR. Previous versions of the Android Gradle Plugin produce broken AARs in this case too (despite not throwing this error). The following direct local .aar file dependencies of the :react-native-zoom-us project caused this error: C:\Users\CoDe\RnZoomUsTest\node_modules\react-native-zoom-us\android\commonlib\commonlib.aar, C:\Users\CoDe\RnZoomUsTest\node_modules\react-native-zoom-us\android\mobilertc\mobilertc.aar

amdrade commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue on Android 12, version react-native-zoom-us 6.16.5

wstuckmeyer commented 1 year ago

Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported when building an AAR.

Interesting. I haven't seen this issue when creating release builds, but I use fastlane to create my app bundles.

I did find this which might point you to a solution?


cloudy-ninja commented 1 year ago

I recently upgraded our app from react native 0.68 to the latest version, and since upgrading this issue went away.

Yes, v6.16.5 is working without problems on RN 0.71.3 regardless of release or debug modes Thank you so much @mieszko4

rahulvyas commented 1 year ago

I recently upgraded our app from react native 0.68 to the latest version, and since upgrading this issue went away.

Yes, v6.16.5 is working without problems on RN 0.71.3 regardless of release or debug modes Thank you so much @mieszko4

Can you help me in this

princetoad1995 commented 1 year ago

The issue resolved when I upgraded react-native version 0.71.3 and react-native-zoom-us version 6.16.5

rahulvyas commented 8 months ago

Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported when building an AAR.

Interesting. I haven't seen this issue when creating release builds, but I use fastlane to create my app bundles.

I did find this which might point you to a solution?

decodedhealth/flutter_zoom_plugin#53 (comment)

I'm also getting error when creating a release build for local .aar. Anyone knows the fix? I have upgraded to target SDK 33 now unable to build APK and AAB

rahulvyas commented 7 months ago

I'm using the following ndk version

ext {
        buildToolsVersion = "33.0.0"
        minSdkVersion = 23
        compileSdkVersion = 33
        targetSdkVersion = 33
        ndkVersion = "23.1.7779620"

And this is in my package.json

"react": "17.0.2",
 "react-native": "0.68.0",
"react-native-zoom-us": "6.18.0",

Still my app crashes as soon as I call joinMeeting.

Here is the crash log I've got in logcat java_vm_ext.cc:594] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI CallIntMethodV called with pending exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__emutls_get_address" referenced by "/data/app/~~dLkYmd7koTeQZipPKw-HxQ==/com.xxx.xxxxx-ilQlTGoPQOJsJIIYGTUmwg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/libannotate.so"...

Does anyone knows how to fix this crash?

mieszko4 commented 4 months ago

Please try with react-native-zoom-us@6.20.0 (with updated ZoomSDK to

anshuman55a commented 2 weeks ago

I'm also encountering this issue on my project. Error Log java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__emutls_get_address" referenced by "/data/app/~-f9H5SYlcXzLMg==/base.apk!/lib/x86_64/libzSdkCore.so"... at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:1077) at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:998) at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1656) at com.zipow.videobox.sdk.SDKBridge.<clinit>(SDKBridge.java:2) at com.zipow.videobox.sdk.SDKBridge.b(SDKBridge.java:1) at us.zoom.proguard.cm0.v(MeetingSDKModuleService.java:1) at com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.initSDKMainboard(VideoBoxApplication.java:8) at com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.initAppForSDK(VideoBoxApplication.java:19) at com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.onSDKCreated(VideoBoxApplication.java:23) at com.zipow.videobox.VideoBoxApplication.initializeForSDK(VideoBoxApplication.java:55) at us.zoom.internal.impl.e.a(ZoomSDKImpl.java:62) at us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK.initialize(ZoomSDK.java:1) at ch.milosz.reactnative.RNZoomUsModule$3.run(RNZoomUsModule.java:194) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7839) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548)

React-Native version: 0.68.5 Library version: react-native-zoom-us@6.20.0 Zoom SDK version : Android OS version: 14

Request: If any solution is available, please let me know at the earliest.