mieszko4 / react-native-zoom-us

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Feature request: allow ZoomSDK as a peer dependency #320

Closed vaughnkoch closed 3 months ago

vaughnkoch commented 6 months ago

Would it be possible to include the ZoomSDK as a peer dependency with a supported range, so users could independently upgrade the SDK? Or is RNZU so tightly coupled to the SDK that it requires a fixed version every time?

The current fixed version dependency means that we can't pick up the latest ZoomSDK bugfixes if we want to use vanilla RNZU without forking/modifying it.

zvs001 commented 5 months ago

I think it is not possible. When I was making zoom sdk upgrades before, It almost always had some breaking changes and requires complete implementation of requirement. So lib will just start crashing with different versions. Maybe only patch versions will be possible, but still dangerous

mieszko4 commented 3 months ago

Well said @zvs001 👍 We should rather make updates more often to this lib :)