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Screenshots not showing in updated help document that was sync'd #382

Open anichols27 opened 11 months ago

anichols27 commented 11 months ago

Hi! Bridget and I worked on publishing an updated help document named Merge Manager Tab. Everything updated and is out there to be visible EXCEPT the new screenshots added into the document. The screenshots do show on the extension/wikig-drive version that we sync'd and viewed. But the public facing docs.enterprisehealth.com doesn't show it. Here are some screenshots. Please let us know how to fix so that when we update help documents, that screenshots also get included. 8-10a 8-10b

horner commented 11 months ago
horner@wgd-dev:~$ docker exec -it wikigdrive-prod bash
bash-5.1# cd /data/0AF_nrE0_QH_2Uk9PVA_transform

bash-5.1# git status

lots of stuff.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

For some reason the untracked (new files) are not shown in the git tab to commit them

ggodlewski commented 10 months ago


The images seems to be in the gh repo. Did you do it https://github.com/mieweb/docs/commit/09d3f27bb50bb960bb8f54a61669e840f8fca52e from UI or CLI?

The image seems still to be missing https://docs.enterprisehealth.com/functions/system-administration/system-controls/merge-manager-tab/ The build failed https://github.com/mieweb/docs/runs/16018148303 I don't have access to the logs. Probably not related to wikigdrive because the preview looks ok.

ggodlewski commented 10 months ago

After lase build https://docs.enterprisehealth.com/functions/system-administration/system-controls/merge-manager-tab/ looks ok. Can we close it?

horner commented 10 months ago

I had to manually commit the image from the CLI. If you make a document and add an image the image wont be committed in the diff.