mifi / editly

Slick, declarative command line video editing & API
MIT License
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Error while opening decoder for input stream #630:0 : Resource temporarily unavailable #251

Open ecc521 opened 1 year ago

ecc521 commented 1 year ago

Error in ffmpeg. The command is about 140000 characters long, so I'm not going to include it. Ideas on what's causing this? Slightly shorter videos (under 630 clips) aren't affected.

I suspect it's an error in the audio (as the video frames don't appear to be being computed)

Device has plenty of spare memory so that shouldn't be the issue.

ecc521 commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to add: If the issue here is that there are too many clips, is there a way to put audio separate from my clips? I have long audio files, but editly is splitting them into a whole lunch of small files during processing.