mifki / df-twbt

Text Will Be Text
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Text bugs in Adventure mode 0.47.04 #99

Open Ph4ntomas opened 4 years ago

Ph4ntomas commented 4 years ago

When using TWBT with version 0.47.04 (at least) on Arch linux, I get weird artifact where parts of the text is not redrawn properly (even with the redraw_all option set to 1).

It mostly appears if the text was drawn above the "HUD", or over a black (undiscovered ?) square.

The identified effect are:

The garbled text disappear if I trigger a full screen redraw (entering then leaving the option menu for example)

df bug

NOTE: The screenshot was taken with Meph tileset, because it's the one that cause the most artifact (due to letter having textured backgroud I'd guess), but I could reproduce this with every graphics set from McArthy LNP

quasarea commented 3 years ago

Seems quite dead repo, checkout forks:

Ph4ntomas commented 2 years ago

Thanks, but that's not helpful since neither forks have issue enabled (which was the reason I post the issue here).

clinodev commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately there are multiple known bugs in adventure mode, and even more serious crash bugs elsewhere, but the author has neither updated nor communicated with the community in quite some time. My understanding is that while we're grateful to the maintainers like thurin, they are mostly caretakers.

I tell you this not to denigrate mifki, whose efforts on behalf of the Dwarf Fortress community are a thing of legend, and who is free to spend their time and energy where they please, but rather to encourage you that if you to find a solution on your own to please share it with the rest of the community.

Ph4ntomas commented 2 years ago

I know that. It has also been said by mifki that he did not planed to fix anything that would inpact adventure mode only, as he was more interested in fortress mode anyway.

I mostly opened this issue in case either pronvit/mifki, one of the current caretaker or someone else altogether wants to restart development on twbt before I find the time and motivation to patch it myself. I'm not expecting a fix anytime soon, nor am I taking grudge against anyone.

Madoshakalaka commented 2 years ago

Just want everybody to know I play adventure mode on Arch Linux too and I also have this bug. This is definitely caused by twbt because changing printing mode to twbt_legacy/2d/standard does fix the problem (but then everything looks ugly).

It might be a linux only problem because I also tried adventure mode on Windows with twbt and things worked fine.

Madoshakalaka commented 2 years ago

I went out and tested every graphics pack bundled in LNP 0.14a for Linux. It turns out some graphics packs are glitchy yet others are not. Here is a screenshot of all the packs: image

All the non-glitchy packs are (when TWBT enabled): Alfro 16x CLA 18px GemSet 24x Ironhand 18x Mayday 16x Mayday 16x (TWBT) Obsidian 16x Obsidian 16x (TWBT) Phoebus 16x Spacefox 16x Spacefox 16x (TWBT) Tergel 12/16/32x Wanderlust 16x

All the glitchy packs are (when TWBT enabled): Alfro 16x (TWBT) Phoebus 16x (TWBT) Ironhand 18x (TWBT) Jolly Bastion 12x Meph-lite 32x Taffer 9/18x Vettlingr 32x

Note, even if you are using one of the non-glitchy packs, changing the zoom level to anything other than the default level will make your graphics glitchy. The graphics will remain glitchy as long as EITHER the tiles OR the text has a non-default zoom level. So please don't zoom at all. If you have accidentally the zoom level, a quick fix is to press F10, which changes the zoom level of the tiles back to default. Or in the case you changed the zoom level of the texts, you want to press ESC to go to the menu and press F10 to reset the zoom level of the text to default.

I guess this is really a zoom level bug and each graphics pack requires the "right" zoom level to draw correctly. Those glitchy ones are the ones that have the "wrong" default zoom levels.

Also note, this list is by no means authoritative and I think it might have to do with the resolution of the screen and the window size too. I have tested on a 2k screen and most of the time only the lower right part of the screen has redraw issues. In some cases, the effect of the glitchiness is very low and may be playable once you maximize the window or fullscreen the game.

Feel free to try those graphics packs out, when in doubt, always try:

However, the bold ones are the ones that even when the window is maximized, have redraw issues all over the screen in the tests. Those ones have extra problems and are possibly not suitable for any game.