mifriis / edge-of-kuiper

Textbased space rpg somewhat based on real science
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Refactor everything to work with JSON and Dependency Injection #36

Closed mifriis closed 2 years ago

mifriis commented 2 years ago


Based on VisualBeans command setup i have refactored much of the current code to completely use dependency injection (with only few exceptions)

SolarSystem has been rewritten a bit, it's now designed to work with JSON serialization now.

Events are introduced! When you set a course in your ship an event is added to the GameEvents list marking your date of arrival. On load all events are evaluated and executed if they "happened" while you were away.

SaveFile introduced as a domain object. The noble goal of making a root aggregate hasn't worked. This way we can control exactly what is saved, how and where to put it back on load.

mifriis commented 2 years ago

To better understand events, i will link the review comments in "order" here:

@visualbean @larsbaunwall perhaps one of you have an idea on how i could rework events to gain access to the services from an events execute method.

A very simple local test approach could be:

You can use the same savefile again and again now provided you dont change the Event class (or something like the Captain for example)

VisualBean commented 2 years ago

To better understand events, i will link the review comments in "order" here:

@visualbean @larsbaunwall perhaps one of you have an idea on how i could rework events to gain access to the services from an events execute method.

A very simple local test approach could be:

  • Run the ConsoleApp (F5)

  • Type in a captain name, for example LongLars or BrilliantAlex (remember what you choose though)

  • ship --setcourse

  • Choose 2 (or whatever...)

  • An event is now added in the background.

  • captain --save

  • Stop the console app and start it again

  • Type in the same captain name as before, you do remember it right?

  • As part of the load it will now start executing the events that happened while you were gone.

You can use the same savefile again and again now provided you dont change the Event class (or something like the Captain for example)

You COULD pass IServiceProvider into all of them, as a dependency of the runner. Gaining access through a servicelocator pattern instead of direct injection.

Otherwise you could create an "EventContext" type which would then be assembled through dependency injection and passed in through the runner (so basically take any type you need and add it to the ctor of the context and save it to a property) note that there might be issues with singelton vs transient services in this case.

mifriis commented 2 years ago

You COULD pass IServiceProvider into all of them. Gaining access through a servicelocator pattern instead of direct injection.

Otherwise you could create an "EventContext" type which would then be assembled through dependency injection and passed in directly (so basically take any type you need and add it to the ctor of the context as save it to a property) note that there might be issues with singelton vs transient services in this case.

Won't ServiceLocator have the same problem though?

For example:

IShipService _shipService;
        public SetCourseEvent(IContainer container)
            _shipService = container.GetInstance<IShipService>();

As per https://jasperfx.github.io/lamar/documentation/ioc/concepts/

Here they dependency inject the Container and then use it to get the instance needed.

But i suppose where i need to include it from instead of the constructor, is the execute method:

public void ExecuteEvents(DateTime eventsBefore)

            foreach(var gameEvent in GameEvents)
                if(gameEvent.EventTime <= eventsBefore)

So EventService would dependency inject IContainer and pass it with Execute method into the Event who can then resolve whatever it needs to function. It's a bit dirty but i suppose it might work? I will give it a shot tomorrow. Appreciated!

VisualBean commented 2 years ago

You COULD pass IServiceProvider into all of them. Gaining access through a servicelocator pattern instead of direct injection.

Otherwise you could create an "EventContext" type which would then be assembled through dependency injection and passed in directly (so basically take any type you need and add it to the ctor of the context as save it to a property) note that there might be issues with singelton vs transient services in this case.

Won't ServiceLocator have the same problem though?

For example:

IShipService _shipService;

        public SetCourseEvent(IContainer container)


            _shipService = container.GetInstance<IShipService>();


As per https://jasperfx.github.io/lamar/documentation/ioc/concepts/

Here they dependency inject the Container and then use it to get the instance needed.

But i suppose where i need to include it from instead of the constructor, is the execute method:

public void ExecuteEvents(DateTime eventsBefore)


            foreach(var gameEvent in GameEvents)


                if(gameEvent.EventTime <= eventsBefore)






So EventService would dependency inject IContainer and pass it with Execute method into the Event who can then resolve whatever it needs to function. It's a bit dirty but i suppose it might work? I will give it a shot tomorrow. Appreciated!

Exactly. ServiceLocator is generally considered bad practice though. It makes it really hard to find usages of services, especially for unit testing. Where the context way i find to be VERY similar, but a bit less "open to interpretation" so to speak

mifriis commented 2 years ago

@Nicoolai if you are up for it, i think this is a good place to get a review.

I would love to get your feedback! I think with these basics in place it will be possible to create other systems like commodities/trade, mining, ship upgrades, crew or even story/tutorial missions.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Test- and Coverage-report - PR #36

Run Summary

Overall Result: ✔️ Pass
Pass Rate: 100%
Run Duration: 1s 467ms
Date: 2021-11-19 14:24:50 - 2021-11-19 14:24:52
Framework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0
Total Tests: 64

✔️ Passed ❌ Failed ⚠️ Skipped
64 0 0
100% 0% 0%

Result Sets

kuiper-tests.dll - 100%

Full Results
Result Test Duration
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.SolarSystemServiceShould.ReturnBodyBasedOnName 105ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.SolarSystemServiceShould.ReturnCorrectKmDistanceBetweenBodies 2ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.SolarSystemServiceShould.ReturnSattelitesAroundABody 9ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.SolarSystemServiceShould.ReturnCorrectAuDistanceBetweenBodies 2ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.SolarSystemServiceShould.ReturnAllBodiesUnderAStar < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.CaptainServiceShould.SaveSuccessfully 136ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.SetCorrectName 7ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.SetCorrectOrbitRadius < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.CaptainServiceShould.LoadCaptainWhenSavesFound 15ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.CaptainServiceShould.SetupANewCaptainIfNoSavesFound 2ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.CaptainServiceShould.ReturnCaptainIfAlreadySetup 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.CaptainServiceShould.ThrowIfCaptainIsNotSet < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipServiceShould.DoNothingWhenTheDestinationIsFubar 2ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.CreateStarBodyTypeFromJson 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.SetCorrectOrbitVelocity < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.CreatePlanetBodyTypeFromJson < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.SetCorrectOriginDegrees < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.CreateMoonBodyTypeFromJson < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.NotFailIfJsonFileExist < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.CreateDwarfPlanetBodyTypeFromJson < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.CreateGasGiantBodyTypeFromJson < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.FailIfJsonFileDoesNotExist < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepositoryShould.CreateCorrectAmountOfBodiesFromJson 3ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipServiceShould.UpdateShipStatusWhenDestinationValid 14ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipServiceShould.UpdateShipStatusWhenDestinationReached 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.ConsoleCommandParseShould.ParseAndExecute_WithNullGroupedCommand_ParsesWithNameAsGroup 15ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.ConsoleCommandParseShould.ParseAndExecute_WithArgs_ExecutesWithArgs < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.ConsoleCommandParseShould.ParseAndExecute_WithoutArgs_ExecutesWithNullArgs < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.ConsoleCommandParseShould.Parse_WithoutArgs_ParsesWithNullArgs < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.ConsoleCommandParseShould.Parse_WithNullGroupedCommand_ParsesWithNameAsGroup < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.ConsoleCommandParseShould.Parse_WithArgs_ParsesWithArgs < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.SetCorrectOrbitRadius 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipServiceShould.CalculatedVToTarget 11ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipServiceShould.ReturnMergedListOfPlanetAndMoons 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.ReturnItsPositionInSpaceAtAGivenTime 2ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.GameTimeServiceShould.ThrowExceptionIfRealStartTimeNeverSet < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Systems.GameTimeServiceShould.ReturnGamDateInNextWeekWhenStartingRealYesterday < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.AddBodyAsSatelliteIfItHasAParent 16ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.CreateAMoon < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.CreateBodyWithOriginDegrees < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.ReturnItsInitialPositionInSpace < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.CreateBodyWithVelocity < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.CreateAGasGiant < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.SetCorrectOrbitVelocity < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.CreateAStar < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.CreateADwarfPlanet < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.SetCorrectName < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.CreateAPlanet < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Domain.CelestialBodyShould.SetCorrectOriginDegrees < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.CalculateAccelerationGsCorrectly < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.DeductFuelBasedOnSpentDVCorrectly < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.CalculateDeltaVelocityCorrectly < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.EmptyTheTankOnFullDeltaVSpent < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.ReturnSpentFuel < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.CalculateAccelerationCorrectly < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.RefuelWithoutOverFilling < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.SetCourseCommandShould.SetCourseAndAddEventOnExecute 19ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipEngineShould.CalculateThrustToWeightRationCorrectly < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipEngineShould.CalculateExhaustVelocityCorretly < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.NotPossibleToForceSpendingMoreFuelThanAvailiable 7ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.ShipShould.RefuelWithoutFillingTheTank < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.EventServiceShould.ExecuteAllEventsThatHappenedBeforeNow 30ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.EventServiceShould.AddEventToEventList < 1ms
✔️ Passed Kuiper.Tests.Unit.Services.EventServiceShould.RemoveEventFromEventList < 1ms

Run Messages


[xUnit.net 00:00:00.00] xUnit.net VSTest Adapter v2.4.3+1b45f5407b (64-bit .NET 6.0.0-rtm.21522.10)
[xUnit.net 00:00:00.51]   Discovering: kuiper-tests
[xUnit.net 00:00:00.55]   Discovered:  kuiper-tests
[xUnit.net 00:00:00.55]   Starting:    kuiper-tests
[xUnit.net 00:00:00.85]   Finished:    kuiper-tests


Created using Liquid Test Reports

Code Coverage

# Summary
Generated on: 11/19/2021 - 14:24:52
Parser: CoberturaParser
Assemblies: 1
Classes: 31
Files: 30
Covered lines: 397
Uncovered lines: 230
Coverable lines: 627
Total lines: 1238
Line coverage: 63.3% (397 of 627)
Covered branches: 50
Total branches: 72
Branch coverage: 69.4% (50 of 72)
Covered methods: 86
Total methods: 140
Method coverage: 61.4% (86 of 140)
Name Covered Uncovered Coverable Total Line coverage Covered Total Branch coverage Covered Total Method coverage
kuiper-game 397 230 627 1311 63.3% 50 72 69.4% 86 140 61.4%
Kuiper.Domain.Account 5 21 26 73 19.2% 0 0 1 6 16.6%
Kuiper.Domain.Captain 16 0 16 29 100% 0 0 7 7 100%
Kuiper.Domain.CelestialBodies.CelestialBody 46 0 46 82 100% 4 4 100% 12 12 100%
Kuiper.Domain.SaveFile 4 0 4 14 100% 0 0 4 4 100%
Kuiper.Domain.Ship 48 1 49 87 97.9% 6 6 100% 14 15 93.3%
Kuiper.Domain.ShipEngine 18 1 19 36 94.7% 0 0 6 7 85.7%
Kuiper.Domain.ShipStatusExtensions 0 6 6 24 0% 0 4 0% 0 1 0%
Kuiper.Domain.Transaction 0 12 12 73 0% 0 0 0 5 0%
Kuiper.MainLoopWorker 0 17 17 37 0% 0 4 0% 0 3 0%
Kuiper.MainRegistry 0 24 24 39 0% 0 0 0 1 0%
Kuiper.Program 0 6 6 20 0% 0 0 0 2 0%
Kuiper.Repositories.JsonFileSolarSystemRepository 25 14 39 72 64.1% 6 8 75% 3 6 50%
Kuiper.Services.AccountService 0 14 14 34 0% 0 0 0 5 0%
Kuiper.Services.CaptainService 58 0 58 93 100% 6 6 100% 5 5 100%
Kuiper.Services.EventService 33 0 33 55 100% 10 10 100% 5 5 100%
Kuiper.Services.GameTimeService 13 3 16 44 81.2% 2 2 100% 4 5 80%
Kuiper.Services.ShipService 36 5 41 68 87.8% 4 4 100% 6 7 85.7%
Kuiper.Services.SolarSystemService 27 0 27 61 100% 0 0 8 8 100%
Kuiper.Systems.AccountCommand 0 20 20 38 0% 0 4 0% 0 3 0%
Kuiper.Systems.CaptainBaseCommand 0 6 6 20 0% 0 0 0 2 0%
Kuiper.Systems.CaptainsConsole 0 11 11 29 0% 0 0 0 2 0%
Kuiper.Systems.CommandInfrastructure.ConsoleCommandParser 28 12 40 69 70% 9 12 75% 3 5 60%
Kuiper.Systems.ConsoleCommandBase 0 1 1 11 0% 0 0 0 1 0%
Kuiper.Systems.ConsoleWriter 8 0 8 19 100% 0 0 2 2 100%
Kuiper.Systems.DestinationsCommand 0 21 21 37 0% 0 4 0% 0 3 0%
Kuiper.Systems.Events.SetCourseEvent 3 7 10 24 30% 0 0 3 4 75%
Kuiper.Systems.LocationCommand 0 7 7 19 0% 0 0 0 3 0%
Kuiper.Systems.SaveCommand 0 9 9 22 0% 0 0 0 3 0%
Kuiper.Systems.SetCourseCommand 23 4 27 42 85.1% 3 4 75% 2 3 66.6%
Kuiper.Systems.ShipBaseCommand 6 1 7 20 85.7% 0 0 1 2 50%
Kuiper.Systems.TimeCommand 0 7 7 20 0% 0 0 0 3 0%
mifriis commented 2 years ago

I fucked it all up trying to sign an old commit.

Failing forward to #39