migalabs / armiarma

Armiarma is a Libp2p open-network crawler with a current focus on Ethereum's CL network
MIT License
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Make snapshot of active nodes on restart #59

Closed cortze closed 8 months ago

cortze commented 1 year ago


With the aggregation of the active_nodes table, the crawler dumps all the registered nodes into a new row every 12h. However, this dump or snapshot is done 12h after the startup of the crawler. The idea behind this was to avoid having 0 active nodes tracked on the table when it was getting started. The side effect of this decision is that whenever the crawler is stopped, there won't be a snapshot in (crawler_shutdown_time - time_between_last_snapshot) + 12h, which might not be ideal for tracking the distribution with enough resolution.

Possible solution

The simplest solution is to make a new snapshot right when the crawler is started, so at least there is track of the distribution of when the crawler was restarted

cortze commented 8 months ago

closed with https://github.com/migalabs/armiarma/pull/65