migcontrol / django-migcontrol

A Wagtail-based Django website for Migration Control
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Wiki categories: implement drop down? (no priority) #217

Closed shavek closed 1 year ago

shavek commented 1 year ago

Even though the Wiki category system works super well, there is the issue that country Wikis make up the largest part and thus the list becomes very very long, as you can see when zoomed out: grafik

We wonder how to make this more user friendly and the main idea and question was whether we could implement a drop down option?

This has no priority, since it does work, but it would be nice to think of this option.

benjaoming commented 1 year ago

I agree, the way that categories pushed down by the long Country listing doesn't work well. Making all categories equally long with a collapsible option would work better. Or maybe that each category has the same height and has its own little scrolling view.

shavek commented 1 year ago

Both sound like good ideas, so I can't visualize it well to myself. What would be the easier thing to implement on your side?

benjaoming commented 1 year ago

Both options are equally easy to create, but I think for the user, the scrolling solution will be nicer.

Hiding/showing contents will create the situation where there might be several de-collapsed boxes of unequal height, which will probably look similar to the current the layout issue that we have.

shavek commented 1 year ago

Yes, that make sense. Please go ahead with the scrolling option, if you know how to implement this !