migcontrol / django-migcontrol

A Wagtail-based Django website for Migration Control
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Text editor additional feature for creating tables #219

Open shavek opened 1 year ago

shavek commented 1 year ago

Hi dear,

we noticed that we're missing a tool in the editing of blogs and wikis that we had on the old website: creating tables. Here is an example on the new site: https://new.migration-control.info/de/wiki/gambia-2021/#header-migrationsstatistiken grafik

On the old site it looked like that: https://migration-control.info/wiki/gambia-2021/ grafik

It also allowed us to add footnotes within the table. We tried to solve the issue but simply adding a screenshot of the old page, but then the footnotes are not working obviously.

I've no idea if wagtail provides such an action or if this completely new terrain. If so, let's skip it for now, but perhaps there is a quicker solution?