Open jcaubin opened 2 years ago
I too have an issue with the Upstream Dataflow not showing anything and not being able to be loaded into the model.
I'm now using the same API with PowerShell and the problem could be in the 200 query/hour limit
This is a known issue with the Power BI REST API itself. Lineage between dataflows is broken both in the API and the lineage view in the Power BI Service UI when using the PowerPlatform.Dataflow() connector instead of the PowerBI.Dataflow() connector
This is up to Microsoft to fix. I've reported it several times through many channels but have not heard from them when it will be fixed. I'll leave this open as a bug just so people can find it for reference.
Buenos días.
Estoy intentando reconstruir el linaje completo de los datos, pero esta llamada a la API en el conector no me devuelve ningún resultado (si invoco directamente a la API con otra herramienta si que funciona).
Funciona correctamente el conector "Upsteam Dataflows"??