miguel-perez / smoothState.js

Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery.
MIT License
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This is dead? A successor? #369

Open steveooo9 opened 6 years ago

steveooo9 commented 6 years ago

Well, this project seems dead. We are still using this software on our sites.

Anyone with a successor to this that still get's maintained?

nathanieldavis commented 6 years ago

Also Looking

zomars commented 6 years ago

Why dead? Isn't working for you?

steveooo9 commented 6 years ago

It works if you know the script deeply. Things like disabling caching because of bugs and using some custom regex as selector because of bugs. So I know all the quirks, but no time fixing and PRing them -.-

DrMartinGonzo commented 5 years ago

I might suggest trying Barba.js, works fine for me + it has no jQuery dependency ! 👍

aolko commented 5 years ago

I might suggest trying Barba.js, works fine for me + it has no jQuery dependency ! 👍

i'd rather not, barba binds to html a bit too hard

enableds commented 4 years ago

Yeap! Looking for an idea here as well. Any suggestions? This had the potential of "SPA" if you would have had 2x $containers one for exit and one for entering. Anything similar?

richard-unterberg commented 2 years ago

I might suggest trying Barba.js, works fine for me + it has no jQuery dependency ! 👍

i'd rather not, barba binds to html a bit too hard

A little story; Imagine a guy who´s tried to code this kind of bootstrap by his own. 😅 Guess it, that was me and it was ok, but not production-ready .. Then I found smoothstate, this was the real first successor for me, because it was easy to use, especially in the wordpress context. But after a while, when I got more into it, it appears to be buggy (especially the caching and history event things..) and is not maintained since years.

So I found this thread and followed (up) the way to barba. Spoiler; It´s awesome! In terms of maintainability, the modern approach and the great plugins it´s the most flexible tool you can have for the job. Especially if you are working with GSAP, or one of the other great animation libraries you can go crazy with creating different transition for different pages. For this you have a router and the (global) hook system(you don´t have to delay inline code anymore which got executed uncontrolled the injected page in smoothstate)

If you are coming the smoothstate-way you may need some hours to dig in, but then it runs smoothly. For me this is the finish line of a long journey. You should try it.

PS: You can even run it in legacy mode ( https://barba.js.org/docs/getstarted/legacy/ ) and yes, it binds the html hard, because it´s javascript ;)

aolko commented 2 years ago

Barba has some tangled hooks, might want to try good old turbolinks, but be prepared to move js <script>s to the head and fontawesome icons might flash briefly, due to how it handles page loading and has it's own lifecycle (events).