miguel250 / MZMailChimpBundle

[UNMAINTAINED] Symfony2 mailchimp bundle
54 stars 26 forks source link

array_combin() issue #4

Closed idealley closed 12 years ago

idealley commented 12 years ago

When trying with the option:

$options = array('status' => 'subscribed');

I get the following error:

Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/symfony2/vendor/bundles/MZ/MailChimpBundle/Services/Methods/MCExport.php line 46

Everything seems to work ok from Mailchimp point of view. It says that the call was ok (green mark) that the method was exportList and that it took 26.382 sec (more than 37'000 subscriber)

When I use the unsubscribed option I get back not much (although I should get 28 unsubscribed) I did a simple controller that implement your methods:

public function mailchimpAction(){

      $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');
      $unsubscribed = $mailChimp->getExport();
      $options = array('status' => 'unsubscribed');
      $unsubscribed->DumpList($options); //return array

      return $this->render('PixartsTestBundle:Test:mailchimp.html.twig', array('unsubscribed' => $unsubscribed));


and I send it to a twig template:

the {{ member }} var is never populated