miguelangel-nubla / videoP2Proxy

Proxy to enable P2P only cameras to work with standard protocols.
MIT License
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A command to turn off the rtsp stream #3

Open sendorm opened 5 years ago

sendorm commented 5 years ago

I've created a shell command in HASS to turn on the stream.

  camera_on: 'videop2proxy --ip 192.168.x.xx --token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --rtsp 8554'

And have this in configuration:

  - platform: ffmpeg
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://192.168.xx.xx:8554/

But I wouldn't want to run the camera constantly. Is there a way to turn off the stream?

sendorm commented 5 years ago

Currently I am using these two commands to turn the feed on an off by setting the camera to sleep mode:

miiocli device --ip 192.168.xx.xx --token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx raw_command set_video '["off"]'
miiocli device --ip 192.168.xx.xx --token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx raw_command set_video '["on"]'