miguelangel-nubla / videoP2Proxy

Proxy to enable P2P only cameras to work with standard protocols.
MIT License
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Support fw Aqara camera 3.3.7_248 #9

Open trantuan4889 opened 5 years ago

trantuan4889 commented 5 years ago

Hi you. I can't connect to camera by component videoP2Proxy. It's show error ""Error connecting to camera, make sure ip and token are correct. Error, waiting 10 seconds and trying again." but i check again token and ip be ok. pls help me config. Thanks you

Simsal commented 5 years ago

Same here:

videop2proxy --ip --token ##### --rtsp 8554
Starting proxy...
Starting RTSP server on "rtsp://"
(Using port 8000 for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling.)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'p2p_id'
Can't read output line 1 from command: python3 -c "import miio;result = miio.device.Device('', '####').send('get_ipcprop', ['all']);print(result['p2p_id']);print(result['avID']);print(result['avPass']);"
Error connecting to camera, make sure ip and token are correct.
Error, waiting 10 seconds and trying again.
miiocli device --ip --token #### info
Model: lumi.camera.aq1
Hardware version: Linux
Firmware version: 3.3.7_248
Gilumaro commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue, any way to downgrade the firmware?

sendorm commented 5 years ago

Same problem here. I did actually saw this thread before but did the update unfortunately :(

sendorm commented 5 years ago

I have connected aqara support from their website and asked for firmware downgrade. They have downgraded my firmware to 246 online. My camera is working now.

trananhtuan commented 5 years ago

I have connected aqara support from their website and asked for firmware downgrade. They have downgraded my firmware to 246 online. My camera is working now.

I didn't know such service existed. Where did you get support, aqara website?

sendorm commented 5 years ago

Yes directly from www.aqara.com.

trananhtuan commented 5 years ago

Nice to know, thank you