miguelbalboa / rfid

Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522
The Unlicense
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Minor inconsistence in pinout in readme.md and .ino examples #22

Closed pgtest closed 10 years ago

pgtest commented 10 years ago


In the readme.md file it says Pin layout should be as follows (on Arduino Mega): MOSI: Pin 51 / ICSP-4 MISO: Pin 50 / ICSP-1 SCK : Pin 52 / ISCP-3 SS : Pin 53 (Configurable) RST : Pin 5 (Configurable)

but in the examples .ino files:

The code works if I connect as readme.md file...

Readme.md ok.. works on my MEGA board Comment text in .ino file ... does not.

Thx for a nice piece of code.

WA4OSH commented 10 years ago


Arduino Uno: 9 (RST) 10 (SS) 11 (MOSI) 12 (MISO) 13 (SCK)

Arduino Mega: 5 (RST) 50 (MISO) 51 (MOSI) 52 (SCK) 53 (SS)

cardRead.ino OK cardDisplay.ino OK PruebaLibreriaRFID.ino Had no header comments - added ReadAndWrite.ino Had error in comments - did pull request MifareClassicValueBlock.ino Had error in comments - did pull request DumpInfo.ino Had error in comments - did pull request

References: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardUno http://arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardMega

WA4OSH commented 10 years ago

pgtest, I think we've fixed it! Please check my corrections to the comments. If you are satisfied, please close the issue.


pgtest commented 10 years ago

Good work...!...and a nice library.

WA4OSH commented 10 years ago

Thank you Peter.