Closed skyguy126 closed 6 years ago
@skyguy126 Did you solved your problem? Try a different tag, maybe your seller sent you some with wrong frequency.
Experiencing exactly the same. Have tried multiple boards, separate power supply, shielding the SPI wires, clocking down SPI bus, hard reset/soft reset, extensive range of tags. By manipulating the MISO wire (pulling off/on), I sometimes manage to receive card dump. And strangely, then it is rock solid reading multiple tags simultaneously - until I reset the MCU. It has led me into debugging the SPI bus, but this could be rc522 settings, software or hardware. Anyone with any clues?
Edit: Also, some times it only reads one tag only. That is, two tags on top of each other gives no response - but some times it is able to read 3-4 tags stacked :-/
Have the same problem.
Hardware: ESP8266 D1 mini, Sainsmart RC522, all connections soldert with short cable.
Sometimes it runs for hours, sometimes it reads only 2 times.
Firmwarecheck still ok.
No RFID Card is found.
What I did, which miraculously solved my problem, was to edit a few settings.
It turned out my board used non-inverting TX2-coil, effectively cancelling the TX1-coil with standard settings.
Here is what I changed:
mfrc522.PCD_WriteRegister(MFRC522::TxControlReg, 0x03); //Non-inverting TX2
mfrc522.PCD_WriteRegister(MFRC522::GsNReg, 0x44); //Also try FF
mfrc522.PCD_WriteRegister(MFRC522::CWGsPReg, 0x0F); //Also try 3F
mfrc522.PCD_WriteRegister(MFRC522::ModGsPReg, 0x0F); //Also try //3F
I join the question. Reading and writing registers is correct, but the PCD_communicateWithPICC() function returns STATUS_TIMEOUT. There is an interrupt from the timer RC522. The antenna tuning code above did not help.
OS version: Win10 1803 Arduino IDE version: None, Eclipse Neon + ESP32-IDF MFRC522 Library version: Latest, ported to ESP32-IDF Arduino device: Heltec ESP32 LoRa board MFRC522 device: RFID-RC522, Firmware 0x92
It turned out that the module has a very weak antenna. Sometimes it is possible to get a card, but reading the information from the card returns STATUS_TIMEOUT. How can I strengthen the antenna? Reading is produced as follows:
if (reader->PICC_isCardPresent())
MFRC522::PICC_UID_t cardUid;
printf("Card present\n");
if (reader->PICC_readCardSerial(&cardUid))
// UID
printf("Card UID:");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < cardUid.size; i++)
printf(" %02X", cardUid.uidByte[i]);
Sometimes "Card present" is displayed in the console, but PICC_readCardSerial() returns STATUS_TIMEOUT. Antenna adjustment:
void MFRC522::PCD_antennaOn()
PCD_setRegisterBitMask(TxControlReg, 0x03);
PCD_writeRegister(GsNReg, 0xFF); //Also try FF
PCD_writeRegister(CWGsPReg, 0x3F); //Also try 3F
PCD_writeRegister(ModGsPReg, 0x3F); //Also try //3F
PCD_writeRegister(RFCfgReg, 0x0F); //RxGain = 48dB
} // End PCD_antennaOn()
Remember: Too high antenna gain may also prevent successful reading.
Hello! Same problem here.
Sometimes it works for 1 week, sometimes only ours. After some success reads, the antena will not read any card anymore.
On this state (Not reading cards) I've tried a software resset of the arduino with no luck:
void softwareReset() { asm volatile ( "jmp 0"); }
Board: Arduino nano rev3 MFRC522 device: RFID-RC522, Firmware 0x92 MFRC522 Library version: 1.3.6 IDE: Atom with PlatformIO
From my experience I can say that in case of such a hangup, the soft reset of the microcontroller does not help. It is necessary to reset the microcircuit MRFC522. I still achieved a steady reading of the serial number of the cards. I use the function of reading the serial number from another library, based on code Dr.Leong (WWW.B2CQSHOP.COM). I think that I will completely switch to it: it is simpler and it works. Now I'm working on adding the serial number rewriting functions to it.
In my case I found the problem. With a new ESP it now works permanently. (14 days without problems). Seems to have been something wrong with the ESP. Maybe that's someone's problem, too. RC522 reads UID + data and writes new data every time I use it.
I would like details. What does "new ESP" mean?
I've tryed with a software resset because it solved a similar problem:
When i put two cards on the reader and try to read a mifare block status = (MFRC522::StatusCode) mfrc522.MIFARE_Read(blockAddress, block, &size);
sometimes i get a status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK
. And after that, without a softwareResset(), it doesen't read any more cards.
I've 12 RFID-RC522 (4 from amazon and 8 from alliexpress) trying to read cards 2 times per second 24/7. the 4 of amazon did not fail or hang never (2 months working 24/7). 3 from alliexpress have this fail (3 or 4 fails/hangs per week).
Today I've changed one of this "broken" RFID-RC522 for one from amazon.
Time will say if this is only a problem of a bad manufactured RFID-RC522.
Can I close this? Seems the basic problem is (as usual) bad manufactured mfrc-boards... :disappointed:
Yes. After 3 months still working well
Se que el foro esta cerrado, pero podría servirle a alguien en esta misma situación, así que aquí les comento mi experiencia: Tuve un problema similar con un modulo MFRC522 corriéndolo en un ESP32, la comunicación SPI estaba OK, con el detalle que cuando consultaba la ganancia del RFID con rfid.PCD_GetAntennaGain() me devolvía cero, esto me daba indicios que el modulo se comunica mas no se configuraba bien, entre ensayo y error agregue tres líneas de código en el setup() antes de ejecutar el rfid.PCD_Init(); y esto soluciono mi problema, parece que el problema es con el estado lógico del pin RST, mas no estoy seguro. a mi me funciono pero me gustaría saber el trasfondo del problema, si alguien lo descubre me comenta.
void setup(){
// se valida que RST_PIN este en nivel lógico bajo pinMode(RST_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RST_PIN, LOW); delay(10);
// Inicia modulo lector MFRC522
0x07 - 48 dB, máximo
rfid.PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(rfid.RFCfgReg, (0x07<<4)); // Poner ganancia de RFID en 48dB, (valor máximo)
Serial.print("Listo el Modulo RFID con ganancia = "); Serial.println(rfid.PCD_GetAntennaGain(),BIN); }
The wiring is correct I can assure you, connected based on the diagram inside the comments on every file. I have tried with and without a logic level converter on 3 different boards. One of the boards worked for a few minutes but stopped working after. The current board I have right now passes the firmware check but does not read any cards when running the dump info example.
Version is 0x92 and I am using a pro micro with a logic level converter. I have tried without as well and no luck.
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